Everything is out in the open

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Hey Ellie can you come down here please my mum shouts I walk into the kitchen hey mum what's up, listen sweetheart me and your dad have to go away for abit how  long , 4 weeks dad shouts  wow that long it's only ever been weekends, well you are 18 now so if you want Jamie to come stay with you that's fine with us mum says, i nod yeah i will I never told them about us breaking up i will when they get back of this trip when do you leave I ask, tomorrow they say.

I've just got to school I walk to home room Sarah is not here today she doesn't feel well I walk into maths I sit with Jamie I didn't say anything to him I was just day dreaming about what im going to do with out my parents for 4 weeks i don't wanna tell Emma as I know my house will turn into hers and Chris and Darren over every night I could ask Sarah but its not fair on her to have to baby sit me i should be fine im 18th now well come on I will be if we don't have thunderstorms i shuder at thinking of them, are you ok jamie asks me, yeah  was all i say the bell went  i didn't even end up doing any work it was like that all day I got home i wanted to spend the night with my parents are you all ready to go, yes we leave same time as you in the morning you have your bank card and they is loads of food in for you and Jamie thanks mum i say hugging her.

The next morning I said bye to my parents told them they better bring me a gift home as I leave for school im sat in home room with Sarah hey Ellie are you ok she asks me, no im scared my mums leaving me for a month sarah, why where is she going, i was about to tell her but mr potter said girls you can talk in your free time not mine please we walk out of home room but Darren came storming up ellie get here now and was dragging me down the hall Sarah did try to tell him to get of me but he was mad his face was red  you better do one  he screamed at her  i told her to just go its ok he was still dragging me Darren your hurting her let her go Tyler said trying his best to help, everyone was looking he pushed me against the wall  why don't you get your hands of her or is it only girls you can hit i look up to jimmy sarah must of gone and got him, darren said you better get out my bissness before it's you i hit like to see you try jimmy says, got anything to tell us I looked at emma she was just stood with Chris not saying anything, what you talking about he put his phone in my face they was a pic of me kissing jamie on it with his arms around me oh fuck i didn't say anything what could i say, are you to together or was you just his slag for a night,   no the second one I guess,  he was so mad he hit the wall next to me he was screaming in my face  jimmy ended up dragging darren of me and telling him to just leave me alone he walked of punching  all the lockers as he passed them  he left and so did emma so much for having my back like i did hers jimmy went after darren . Tyler came to me are you ok you want me to get you out of here, yes please he helped me of the floor we walk out to his car we can go to mine my parents are not home he nods and takes me home we was sat in my living room so do you want to tell me what's going on, how long do you have, all day now, i laugh as I start I tell him everything i told him Jamie was sweet caring kind told me everything I wanted to here and after time a long time might I add we slept together then he ended things saying I was just a hard challenge it was getting to easy for him we haven't spoken since then, so when i came to save you was you to together yes but we had a falling out he was mad at me so his way was to get a tart to be all over him to make me jealous  did it work hell yes i was so mad i didnt  speak to him for a week. 

We was sat about talking for hours I made him dinner my phone was blowing up with texts of Sarah Jimmy and Jamie but none of emma.

So do you love him I look at Tyler who Jamie of course,  yes I do I wish I didn't but I do he just nods so let's talk about you is they any girls you like no  im not interested in girls that's ok you have plenty of time after school at least you don't have the drama, no i mean I don't like girls I look at him you mean you like boys he looks down yeah  sorry why you sorry, your the first person I have told they won't understand I nod so is they any boys you like, he goes red come on i told you my secret he went on to say he's just met a bloke they are taking it slow but he really likes him he's abit older so he's giving me the time I need, im so happy for you i always wanted a gay bestfreind, you won't tell anyone will you, no of course i won't not that they is everything wrong with it but I know what they are like. So where are your parents  they are away for a month on a business trip im all alone well you can  text me  any time you need any thing.

Tyler left about ten minutes ago I loved spending time with him he showed me a pic of his bloke he's well hot its true what they say gay men are hot.

I got my phone out my bag im going to have to face it at some point I had over 30 texts all of Jimmy Sarah and jamie

Jimmy's was loads saying are you ok im going to kill Darren please let me know that your ok sarahs was Ellie tell me your ok I had to get Jimmy I didn't know what to do where are you I even had some of Jamie saying I never told  anyone about us if you wanna go for a drive let me know,.

I text Jimmy and Sarah saying come over im home it didn't take long for them to be all over me we sit in the living room Sarah asks if im ok I told her I am just mad as Emma hasn't messaged me I had to do all this behind her back because i didn't wanna lose her but at the end of the day all she cares about is Chris where did you go all day jimmy asks me , Tyler got me out of there we just hung out all day he listened to me telling him everything.

The next morning I got up sat up in my bed I have two choices one I go back to my bed or two I suck it up and get on with it I made my bed I just have to ly in it I might as well get it over with I get ready for school and leave Sarah is at the end of my drive waiting for me I smile thank you where else would I be when my bestie needs me, the day went by fast Emma didn't say one word to me she was to busy making out with Chris I spent most of my free time in the library Sarah and Jimmy have been amazing and had my back Jamie beat  up Darren for putting his hands on me sarah said she's never seen anyone lose it like that before I couldn't understand why I was nothing special to him 

Just before the end of school I was walking in the halls with tyler as Darren came up to me everyone was in the halls I had to get some books out my locker Jamie was stood with Jimmy and Sarah a few lockers down so this is how it's going to work your going to come back to us and not speak to them 3 ever  again darren says as he points at them, I finish putting my books in my bag as I say no thanks I will pass i start to walk of with tyler he grabs  my arm  tyler was about to step in i could see jamie about to come up I push darren back and say get your fucking hands off me why would I  want anything to do with any of you lot ever again all this started because i valued my friendship with Emma sarah has been more of a friend to me than Emma  so don't ever put your hands on me again i turn and walk out of school 

As I see it I made my bed emmas made hers I get in Tylers car thank you for always having my back right back at you bestie where to bestie  beach please driver he laughs we end up at the beach it was fun I didn't end up going home till 2 in the morning Tyler slept over the joys of no mum or dad at home.

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