No more hiding

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The next day was Tuesday i just stayed in my bed for a few minutes when my alarm went of I guess im going to have to get up and face Jamie I can't hide in my bed foreva well I could but that's not me becoming a surgeon I get out of bed and with every step I take I moan to my self about why didn't I listen to myself and leave boys alone till after uni that would of been the easy way and my heart wouldn't be hurting  right now, i jump in the shower and do all my morning stuff i put a bit of makeup on as I look like shit, today can go to ways I sulk about all day feeling sorry for myself or I put a smile on my face even tho its fake and get on with it im going to try the second one as no boy is getting me down I just hope now we are over he keeps my secret.

I'm about out the door as my mum shouts Ellie you are not going anywhere if you don't eat breakfast I walk back in to grab a slice of toast bye mum im out the door as Emma is walking down my drive with Darren and Chris hey guys did you miss me yesterday Darren is the first to say yer you left me with these to sucking each others faces  off I laugh you're no better with your one night stands he looks at me winks and says oh sweetheart they do all the sucking you are disgusting Darren you're just jealous he says why would i be jealous of them sucking you don't worry sweetheart you would be different to them how so i would let you have seconds he says as he runs of i shout your  dead next time i see you Darren Emma and Chris was laughing so much.

I'm walking into home room as I see Sarah hey hun she says hugging me  hi Sarah are you feeling any better i smile and nod have u seen Jamie at all she asks me no I haven't he's been texting me but that's it how's you and Jimmy she smiles and says good I told him if he ever did what Jamie did he's dead i laugh he's not that stupid.

Im walking into English and go sit down with Jimmy it's a first he's here before me he looks at me like he's relieved to see me next to him did you pee your bed i say laughing no I wanted to make sure your ok and we are ok Ellie your a great girl I don't wanna lose your friendship, why would you think that you didn't do out and your friendship means a lot to me to I say hugging him thank God for that. We spent the rest of the lesson talking and doing our work he did try telling me Jamie is a mess he wasn't thinking at all he's never had a girlfriend before so he's clueless he didn't get to say out else as the bell rang I walked out of English to Jamie trying to say he's sorry Ellie please just hear me out I just walked past him into p.e he's got this lesson with us I was waiting for Emma but she didn't show up the teacher asked me where she was I said she's sick I knew full well she will be with Chris  Jamie spent the full lesson trying to talk to me at one point because i wasn't looking at the ball it hit me in the head i milked it and said I was dizzy so I got to leave and go see the nurse, it was dinner time i was sat with darren we had fun he's not the type of boy id date but he's ok once he knows he's not getting into my pants his little toys was getting better with me as they know I didn't want him i felt sorry for them, i was in the middle of telling darren i can't wait to see you fall in love and the table turns on you he was full of it saying no way at one point he got up on the table and shouted ellie hall your the only girl to have my heart be my icing to my cake as he gets on his knees shut up darren and get of the table people are eating he puts his hand on his heart and falls backwards i laugh as i get my bag you wanna be in drama class your really good i couid  see jamie getting mad and jimmy telling him  somthing.

Im at my locker getting my books for the afternoon lessons as Tyler walks up hey Ellie are you ok after Friday,  yer and thanks again for coming for me it meant a lot it's ok I need a favour of you now ok what's up I need a partner I look at him till he says no not like that I mean in music i have to sing and act a musical or a film  infront of the school i laugh no way Tyler good luck, come on ellie you owe me  can't you ask someone else no i need an A in it for uni and to get that i need the school to watch and it go well  and your hot so its my best option  to pull the i saved you card. Fine but I have a say in the song come to mine tonight so we can pick one he nods happy and walks of shouting has anyone told you how amazing you are.

My afternoon went by i was going to my last lesson which happened to be art I went to sit with this boy so I didn't have to sit with Jamie he can go back to sitting with his mates the boy bless him didn't know what to say to me am I ok sitting here he just nodded Jamie walked in looked around walked up to us and said move to the boy the boy was getting up when I said no sit down he doesn't have to do what you say fine ok sit down he says to the boy  I smile thinking I won this till he picks me up in my chair and walks back to our table im so mad everyone is looking at us he whisper in my ear you left me no chocie baby girl i was about to ask what he meant by that but the teacher walked in all lesson she was going on and on about our final work and she was handing our mark out for the exam we just did fantastic  work jamie you got a A i look at him what did he Draw to get an A.

Jamie's pro 

I fucked up so bad I can't cope with out her she didn't come to school yesterday I hope she does today she won't text me back her window is shut im walking in school with Jimmy can you try talking to her for me  I will if she is even speaking to me  you know she told Sarah about you to she was that upset I had to lie to my girlfriend and say I didn't know no way am I going to be in the dog house to, im not giving up on her I can't im in love with her just give her time. For most of the day I see her I try to speak to her she won't  even look at me I see her with Darren laughing i hope she doesn't give him a chance now I hurt her she even got hurt in p.e because I was trying to get her to speak to me so she lost concentration on the ball at dinner Darren was trying to be funny on the table asking her to be his I was so close out my seat to knock him out when Jimmy was holding me back and said think of Ellie she won't ever  speck to you again well she's not now she's not going to like what I do if she won't speck to me  soon she's left me no chocie don't be stupid  Look jamie just give her some time she's in love with you she will come round it's not like you slept with someone yes what you did was bad but im sure in time she will come back to you Sarah says,  I nod jimmys got a good girl. I take some time to think of what im going to do I only went to my last lesson because it's art with Ellie i walk in to see her sat with a boy the boy didn't bother me I knew it was so she didn't have to sit with me and when she spoke to me to leave the boy alone I know she was mad at me but when the love of your life hasn't spoken to you in days it was heaven to hear her voice she was mad when I picked her up in the chair I don't care I needed her next to me all the art lesson was the teacher going on and on i wanted her to shut up so I could speck to Ellie we got  our exams results back I got a A but i did draw ellie.

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