Avoiding the bad boy

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The next morning I was up dressed and all sorted before jamie woke up I had to brush my teeth all weekend  with a bottle of water this camping trip was very basic,  good morning sarah say's, hey morning can we get on the road asap please I need to get home I think she knew something  was wrong, yeah  of course  lets pack up she said bye to jimmy I knew they was talking about me  but I didn't care I just need to get out of here before jamie wakes fup I know it might be childish  I was all over him to last night and if things was different  I would of been the happiest  girl in the world waking up this morning but this can't go anywhere   it will be me that gets hurt at the end of the day and what about Emma i felt so giulty what a hypocrite am i having a go at sarah for lieing to me and I'm going the same thing to emma.

We was ten mins into the drive home when sarah say's you ok?  yeah just need sleep and wanna be home before  my parents get home and wonder where I am, ok well thanks so much for coming on this trip you really are a great friend, I'm sorry about hav8ng a go at you, no don't be I should of told you about jamie it wasn't fair I know you don't like him, it's not that he's a nice bloke just wish he got on with my freinds any way I had a lot of fun are you and Jimmy together now?  i don't know he acks like we are but he is a bad boy after all they don't date only time will tell we slept together so now I'm just going to see if he still wants me I'm not going to chase him I'm not that girl  a part of me wants to see if he will stick about,  well from what jamie has said he has taken a liking to you but I get it your worth more than chasing a boy,  we pull up into my drive and say bye. I walk in the house I'm so glad to be home as I'm unpacking  my things and putting  the washer on I see my phone flashing  with loads of texts mostly  from emma I text back saying I went away with my parents  and no signal then I opened  a text of a new number hey baby  girl I missed you when I woke up with out you hope you got home safe xxx how the hell did he get my number i didn't text back i just don't know what to say to him I wanted him last night i can't put this on him i know if he hadn't of said we need to stop i would of gone all the way and that's not like me but i bet that's the first time he has said to slow things down,  I end up doing some home work then Netflix and bed.

The next morning  I wake up to my mum and dad shouting  breakfast come and get it before  i eat it sat on the table was a McDonald's  bag with 2 sausages and egg sandwiches my favourite  thanks your the best  parents ever I say with my mouth full, they laugh and say chew your food how was your weekend mum asks,  it was fun we got loads done how was yours?   oh you know work work work same as yours really,  I smile and look down to finish  my food I'm going to get ready for school I say walking up the stairs to get in the shower and do my routine.

I got to school i had a lesson with jimmy ever since we had to work together he carryed on sitting next to me hey little lady so weekend was fun, i nod yer it was a laugh, so what did jamie do to you?  nothing why?  well you kind of ran the next morning oh god did he turn you down no nothing happened shut up jimmy i just had to be home before my parents. School day was about over and I was happy to say I avoided jamie every time I saw him I walked  back the other way or I was with emma chris and darren i did think at one point he was still going to say  something  but must of thought  better of it with the look in my eyes he didnt look happy walking away slamming his locker door,  I'm walking out of school as i get pulled into a empty class room  jamie what the hell you doing?  well this is the only way i can speak to you your not texting me back are we going to talk about the camping trip, it was a dare he is standing to close to me i can't think straight  i can't stop thinking about his lips and how good he kisses, you know that's not what i mean as he smashes his lips to mine i grab hold of him as he lifts me up  against the wall I wrap my legs around him and run my hands in his hair  we are making out as they is a bang on the door he let's go of me please message  me later i need to talk to you, I nod  as I walk out the door to see jimmy on the other end oh hi little lady fancy seeing you here, hi jimmy.

I'm lying on my bed as my phone goes of 

J = hi baby girl  xx

E= hey xx

J= will you meet me so we can go for a drive to talk xx

E=yer ok meet me as bottom of my street in 30mins  xx

J= ok see you soon baby girl xxxxxxxxx

I'm getting ready and just about to leave,  mum I'm just popping out with friends I won't be late ok sweetie have fun.

Im walking down the street as I see the most beautiful car ever black out windows wow  was what I was  thinking as I go to  walk past it as the window  rolls down hey baby girl, wow I say getting In is this yours can I marry it, he smiles and says yeah  its mine as he set's of driving where we going?  next town I want to be able to talk without you worrying  about been seen, I nod I keep touching every  thing in his car he's just smiling at me sorry it's just I love car's can i drive?  no way,  we park up in McDonald's car park  he gets out saying back in a min he comes back with bags of food I didn't know what you would like, it would of been cheaper to ask yeah  and have you say I'm not hungry as he's looking at me with his eyebrow  raised, thank you you make a good point, we eat and talked about a load of rubbish  I was having  a really good time i  laughed  alot he's so easy to talk to it just feels right nothing awkward just us ok so he starts of saying I want you ellie  I have from the first time I saw you your nothing like other girls I can't get you out of my head you say you want a guy that only sees you well that's me I'm falling for you please be mine, here I have a guy that is telling me everything a girl could wish for and I say I can't jamie I'm sorry I just can't I say with tears coming down my face he's hugging me wiping my tears away tell me you don't feel the same and I will walk away then he moved closer and puts his lips to mine but this kiss was different like he knew it would be  the last why can't you say it tell me what is stopping you baby please tell me  its emma she is my bestfriend since we was 3   and I can't lose her  all she cares about is chris I wish I met you first, he nods and thinks for a minute so if it wasnt for emma you would be with me  i take his hands and say with everything I have I'd be yours he smiles and looks out the window it's getting late I will take you home he kisses  my hand.

I'm getting into bed as my phone goes of 

J= sweet dreams baby girl xxxxxxxxxx

E= night bad boy xxx

I'm in my bed as I think Emma betta know im a great best friend I wish I didn't have to chose but they won't let me be with Jamie God they hate each other I would lose Emma she's Chris mad at the moment and I can't see that changing any time soon.

Jamie's pov 

What the hell am I going to do man I say to jimmy as I walk back in after dropping ellie home take it it didn't go well?  i don't know i say with my head in my hands she can't be with me because of emma she can't risk losing her, well I have 2 ideas jimmy says,  ok go on drop ellie and move on but I know that's not going to happen so let's take out darren and his gang problem  solved jimmy say's shugging his shoulders, I laugh saying wish it was that simple so she told you she would date you but can't because  of emma?  yer I say looking down, well I don't know why your sulking like a baby then its simple  date in secret its more fun anyway  he says winking at me you know what jimmy you are so smart thanks man I say walking out the door. why didn't I think of that I don't mind doing anything for her if I get to know she is mine at the end of the day that's all that matters to me.

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