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I was sat at the table telling my parents about Tyler and how he helped me so he's pulling the I helped you card my parents was thinking it was funny and at the end of the day it will look Good for me to on my uni forms I nod knowing I don't have much choice he's coming over to  pick a song can we go in the music room? my dad says yes of course you can, I get everything I think I will need and wait for Tyler just as he pops his head in your mum let me in I nod ok let's get started if we are to do this its gotta be good he nods what you thinking he ask me, how bad do you what that A? very  bad, ok well it has to be the last dance to dirty dancing I say as Tyler takes a drink from his bottle and chocks your joking he says half  laughing, no im not no one else has the gutts to do it the school will watch that's my Idea do you have any?  no I don't, ok well how long we got to practise 3 days, your joking I say shaking my head no we do it live on Friday we better get started the next 3 days was just us dancing and doing lifts tyler said to leave the lift at the end but i said its all or nothing im just glad he's well built to lift me we was showing my parent's on thursday night they said the song was a good idea and was proud of me helping a freind out every chance we got we was dancing emma new i was helping tyler out but thats it, god im so unfit we said we would go to the beach after school to do lifts in the sea we spent hours in the sea it got dark and we was still in the water practicing  we had so much fun i got to know tyler really well   i was at my locker it was thursday when tyler comes up i just wanna say if it goes tits up tomorrow thank you for trying i hug him telling him it wont just as jamie comes round the conner looking mad i smile at him ive been thinking maybe i should hear him out he made a stupid mistake every one can make a mistake.

 tyler starts walking of i will come over at 5 i nod getting my books as sarah says you walking home yeah   it didn't take long for her to ask if i was with tyler i told her no we was doing a project together, but you don't have a class with him, you will see tomorrow I say  as i leave  to go down my drive, tyler came  over and we had time to dance before we show my parent's i knew he was nervous i  told him its only my mum and dad not like the full school that got a laugh we ended up doing the dance twice for my parent's we had it perfect even the lift i just hope we do it good tomorrow.

I didn't get much sleep I think I was over thinking this dance to much the next morning I walk into school with Emma I never said more than 2 words to her i was shitting myself I walk up to Tyler hey you ready he says, ive got my dress in my bag if that's what you mean he smiles I owe you  for this come on let's go we walk of with his arm around me we walk past Sarah Jimmy and jamie i say to Sarah I won't be in home room but see you in the hall she nods and says good luck I think she has worked it out i get changed and get ready me and Tyler spoke and said lets just have fun forget everyone and everything should be fine we are about to go on I look out to see if the hall was full jamie was sat on the front row with his gang and Darren on the other side oh great well now or never, the song dance and lift was perfect every step i had a few sexy comments but at the end of the day that was why we did the song to get them to watch and at the end everyone was clapping and shouting and tyler ended up getting an A* so everything was perfect. Emma shouted my best friend it hot then smacked Chris as he said yes she is out loud.

I walk out of the changing rooms im so glad it's over with I text my mum to say it went great I was walking to maths I just sit down next to Jamie it's not like he's going to let me sit anywhere else he whispers in my ear you looked so sexy but it should of been me with my hands on you I smile and say thanks  but your the reason why i had to do it a favour for the lift he nods knowing what i ment, we was doing our work I could see he was finding it hard so I wrote it down step by step for him thanks baby girl, its ok hope it helps. the bell went i got up to walk out Jamie grabbed my hand just holding it then said sorry and walked away I look at Jimmy is he ok jimmy just shakes his head  I go find Sarah as we are walking home she was winding me up about my dance and jamie loving it and saying i should shake my hips more often does your boyfreind know u want me to shake my hips?  come on i think every guy in that hall wants you to even emmas bloke we both bust out laughing she was not happy with him. Anyway what you doing this weekend beach with the gang you coming she asks me, yeah  I might I miss you all really thank god,  yes if you pick me up ok I will ok see you tomorrow.

The next day I was ready I made sure to have the sexiest swimsuit on under my clothes I was going to hear Jamie out something is up with him and I still care I really do, Jimmy just keeps saying he's never wanted a girlfriend before me I need to remember that. Me and Sarah got to the beach the gang was already set up with everything we walk over hey Ellie it's great to see you Jimmy says,  you to jimmy I put my towel down Jamie wasn't here I was thinking to ask but Jimmy beat me to it Jamie said no point him coming as he didn't expect you to come, it's ok im going to sunbath, the good thing about sun glasses is you can pretend to be asleep, i was gutted Jamie wasn't here the day went by it was nice to relax and have fun with sarah, the next day I was sulking in my bed with netflix i was so fed up all i new was i wanted Jamie back in my life.

Jamies pro 

Since the day I fucked up and lost the love of my life I've never been in a relationship before I didn't want to be but Ellie was different i new from day one I wanted her around for good I was spending a lot of my time doing gang leader stuff I took my eye of things when I had Ellie in my arms i took over beatings and the interactions  if im not working im at the bar I only go to school if I have a lesson with ellie I've been seeing Ellie with Tyler a lot im so jealous yes I will admit it im jealous i wanna rip his head of he was the one that came to pick her up,  Jimmy says I need to take a break fight for Ellie its not like I cheated on her im just not sure she will ever take me back and if she ever  found out about me been a gang leader she will walk away for good  and the longer I would of been with her the worst it would be Jimmy wanted me to go to the beach with them but I didnt wanna go without ellie what's the point. Bro you should of come  Ellie came it would have been the perfect time to have fun and chat Jimmy says walking in the door I just walked  away maybe I should try talking to her she helped me out in maths shows she cares and didn't pull away when I took her hand. 

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