Start from the beginning

"Watch your tone with me, boy." He warned, getting up in Carson's face in attempt to intimidate him.

"That's the best you can do?" Carson taunted.

"Oh just you wait."

Carson rubbed his lips together in amusement before head butting Nikolai, sending him stumbling backwards.

"I'm waiting." Carson shrugged, looking down at him on the floor.

Nikolai cleared his throat and stood up, wiping the blood that was coming from out his nose and straightening up his clothes.

"Soldier." He gave Bucky a look before walking in the the room behind him.

Bucky harshly gripped Carson's shoulder and lead him into the room that Nikolai perviously walked into.

Once he entered, he took in his surroundings. In the middle of the room there was a large metal seat with different wires and tubes coming out it that we're leading into another machine behind the seat. Towards the top there was a metal clamp that, by first glance, seemed to look like it would go on someone's head.

Carson squinted in order to get a better look at it and once he saw the nodes that emitted the electrical waves his face instantly dropped.

"This..." Nikolai pointed towards the machine. "Is the best I can do Carson."

Well Shit.

Bucky dragged Carson over to the machine and pushed him down, the scientists in the room then took over. They strapped him in and started pressing a few buttons on and around the machine.

"You can go now." Nikolai addressed Bucky.

Bucky hesitated and glanced at Carson, watching while the boy tried to break out of the restrains as the clamp around his head was lowered down.

Nikolai stepped in front of Bucky, blocking his view of Carson. "That's an order, soldier."

And with that, Bucky left the room without saying a word.

Carson's chest was rapidly moving up at down as the cold metal from the clamp touched his head. He saw from the corner of his eye one of the scientists holding her hand over a lever, awaiting further instruction.

"Lady you better back away from that lever or so help me god I will kill you."

The woman smirked and tightened her grip on the lever and pulled it down ever so slightly to taunt him.

Carson laughed and curled both of his hands up into a fist. "Oh you little- nope you know what that's fine, it's just fine."

"I'm glad to see you're enjoying yourself." Nikolai huffed.

Carson moved his head around, trying to move the clamp from off his head. "What the hell is this thing?"

"Think of it as the Winter Soldier program." Nikolai began, scratching his chin in thought. "But better."

"Wait wh-"

"I added my own tweaks, of course, made the mind control harder to break, no need for the code words as much." He smiled to himself while explaining. "And added a few more things... but I guess you'll figure that out along with way."

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