Lack of Guilt

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So I changed the cover, finally. I'm gonna try to keep it a while.

This is a character study, because I wanted to do one again. I actually really like them. They're fun, and help me understand characters and why those characters do questionable actions more.

Since it's a character study, it's short, sorry

I promise I'm working on my requests, writers block has just been annoying lately, and I've been busy. I can't even imagine what school will be like

Hunter expected to regret letting Crosshair stay with the Empire. He really did. For some reason though, he didn't regret it much. Of course a part of him felt bad about what happened, and he knew it was his fault for Crosshair staying, but all he felt was a little bit of sadness. Part of him wanted to ask someone about why he wasn't feeling much, but he knew they'd just tell him something he already knew, or they'd lie to him to make him feel better. He needed to talk to someone who wouldn't lie to him.

"Hey, AZI?" Hunter asked the droid, who had recently been repaired by Omega and Echo. "Why don't I feel guilty about Crosshair's decision?"

The droid looked up at him. "That is a puzzling question."

Hunter rolled his eyes. He already knew that.

"I believe it was because it wasn't your choice to make." AZI said. "Crosshair decided not to come."

"But I'm the reason Crosshair was with the Empire in the first place." Hunter argued, trying to prove that he was a bad brother.

"Based on my knowledge, you decided to save Tech, Wrecker, Echo, and Omega, instead of sacrificing them for Crosshair." AZI spun around in happiness. "It is logical to not feel regret or guilt in situations like this. You cannot control the actions of others, Hunter."

Hunter let out an exasperated sigh. "I still feel weird for not feeling anything except for sadness. Crosshair was so salty about being left behind."

"Yes, he was rather salty." AZI agreed. "But just like you can't control the actions of others, you also can't control the emotions of others."

"Thanks, AZI." Hunter smiled. "I can see why you and Omega are such good friends."

"Why thank you, Hunter!" The droid was just as happy as before, and spun around again.

Hunter got up and walked to his bunk, feeling slightly better about his lack of regret and guilt. Maybe later he'd talk to AZI about it, and hopefully he'd have the chance to talk to Crosshair about everything the both of them had done.

I liked this character study. I think Hunter will be shown feeling guilt in season 2, but I think it'd be nice if he didn't, and something like this happened instead

I feel like I was gonna say something else, but I forgot

Have a good day/night or time on an alien planet 

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