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So this is my most popular story with 2.5k (almost 3k) views(most of them are on, so I'm going to be doing something to celebrate that. I'm going to do a long one-shot, and so I need ideas. Any would be nice. Like, even a word. Below I have one-shot ideas that you can vote on (just like, comment that you want that one or something like PM's)

1.  Omega's origins sort of (this will probably be explained later in the bad batch but I've had this idea since the first episode so...) This would have a Force-Sensitive Omega, a brotherly Boba, and I would do my best to make it fit into the canon timeline so far. Also, it would have the bad batch in it as side characters.

2.  5 one-shots about 5 different Star Wars families (disaster trio, bad batch, the ghost crew, etc.) If I do this one I'd take suggestions for which families and what I should do for each one. I'd like them all to have like, a main theme sort of like battle practice or sleeping, stuff like that.

3.  A long one-shot for something else. Give me suggestions please.

Also, if you have normal one-shot suggestions PM them to me, thanks. If no one voted for which one they want I'm probably going to do the Omega one (I'm not expecting anyone to vote but who knows)

Since you have not had a one-shot in a while, here is one now. It is called Swimming.

The swimsuit Omega is wearing in this is just a grey one piece swimsuit that has long sleeves cuz Hunter doesn't want Omega to cut her arms on something. Totally not because of my insecurities.

No one expected Omega to know how to swim, but they hoped that she could. When Omega heard that they were going to go help the people of Mon Cala, everyone saw her face fall, and they all knew what it meant: she didn't know how to swim.

"It'll be fine, kid, I'll teach you how to swim!" Wrecker smiled, trying to make Omega feel better.

Tech sighed. "No, I believe that Hunter would be the best choice."

Everyone looked to Tech.

"Well Hunter was always a good swimmer and Wrecker, you're not that great of a swimmer either. I was planning on saying that one of us would need to stay behind, and based on my calculations, you would be the best choice." Tech shrugged. "I spend too much time trying to get warm or comfortable in water, which contributes to why Hunter should teach her, and I have not finished making a swimsuit that will protect all the technology inside of Echo, leaving Hunter as the most obvious choice."

Wrecker was the first one to speak up. "Awwww I was looking forward to teaching Omega how to swim."'

"Maybe in the classes where we learn how you should've paid more attention to the teacher." Tech said, not even looking up from his holopad to look at the priceless look on Wrecker's face.

"So where am I going to learn how to swim?" Omega asked.

"A river or a lake on a planet." Hunter suggested. "I know a way to get onto Naboo without getting noticed and a lake, but getting off would be risky."

Echo frowned. "Well we don't want Omega to drown, so Naboo it is."


Omega loved hyperspace. The blue light in hyperspace always made her smile. What fascinated her even more was Naboo. The trees, the fields, it was all so amazing, and she felt that she could stare at it all day. Unfortunately, she also had to learn how to swim, but it sounded exciting, so she didn't mind.

"We're here." Hunter announced. "We've arrived at the lake."

Omega's head burst away from the window. "Really? Where is it?"

Hunter smiled. "It's a secret lake in that cave." He pointed to a large rock, which had lots of plants on it."

"Where's the cave?" Wrecker frowned in confusion.

"It seems that the plants are covering the entrance, it is the most logical answer." Tech shrugged.

"Yep. That's where the cave is." Hunter confirmed.

Pretty soon the Havoc had landed and everyone got out of the ship, except for Tech and Echo who would stay behind and watch for anyone nearby and finish the details of their upcoming trip to help the people of Mon Cala.

"Are you sure about this?" Omega was unsure about this.

Hunter smirked. "Yes." Then, he pulled away the vines on the rock and it revealed an opening.

Omega's eyes widened. "Woah, it's so big!"

"Yeah, it's bigger than I thought it would be." Wrecker admitted.

Hunter sighed. "What did you expect? A small pool?"

Wrecker nodded. "Well, yeah, I did."

Omega laughed. "I did too."

"Come on, Omega," Hunter ordered kindly. "You're already in your swimsuit, now time to go in the water." Hunter walked into the water so it would be at Omega's waist if she got in.

Omega dipped her foot in, but quickly jerked its out of the water. "The water is so cold! Why is it so cold! The drinking water on Kamino wasn't this cold!"

Hunter and Wrecker burst out laughing, but the former spoke first. "Drinking water and lake water are different."

Omega frowned. "Really?"

"Yeah, they're different," Hunter smiled. "Didn't you learn about this on Kamino?"

Omega shook her head. "No, it was never mentioned in the holobooks I read."

"Did you ever read about water?" Hunter asked.

"No, I assumed that since I lived by water I knew everything about it. I guess I was wrong." Omega shrugged.

Hunter nodded in, 'ah, I get it now' then he looked at Wrecker and smirked. "You know what to do."

Omega only had a second to realize what was happening. Wrecker charged at her, picked her up in his arms, then threw her to where Hunter was standing. She screamed the entire time in playful fear while Wrecker and Hunter laughed.

When she was caught by Hunter, water splashed all over her. It got into her eyes, her mouth, and she was soaked. Still, Omega laughed. "That was so much fun!"

"Well now that you're in the water, it's time to teach you how to swim with Wrecker!" Wrecker yelled as he jumped off a rock into the water.

To say the least, everyone got wet.

"Wrecker, don't do that!" Hunter scolded. "Omega doesn't know how to swim!"

"Sorry." Wrecker apologized.

"Omega, have you ever gone swimming before?" Hunter asked.

She shook her head. 

"We're gonna start with the doggie paddle." Hunter decided.

Wrecker frowned. "But that's boring."

"I remember you jumping up and down in the water when we were learning how to swim because everything was so exciting." Hunter wasn't impressed, but everyone quickly moved past that. 

Hunter demonstrated how to swim, and Omega did everything exactly. When it was time for her to put her head underwater, Hunter and Wrecker helped her dip her head underwater until she was good with that.

Finally, it was time to go back to the ship, and Omega knew she was ready to go help the people of Mon Cala.

I got so lazy writing the end of this, so sorry for the bad ending. Also please vote somewhere in the comments here or PM me, and now, have a good day/night or time on an alien planet.

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