Epilogue IV

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Harry's POV

*Two Years Later*

"Be quiet baby, we don't want to wake the kids," I tell Lia as I take her against the shower wall.

Luckily for us they're exhausted after a full day of fun at Disney. I think they had more fun than us and it was our fucking honeymoon. A honeymoon that we're finally getting a chance to take now, two years later, because taking care of twins......is a nightmare.

The last two years have been insane. It was like everyday we were learning something new about being a parent, and so much of it was coming from the experience of having two crazy kids. Presley and Ty are just like each other. They both have these lively personalities, completely identical to each other, and when they came together to cause chaos....they did.

Especially in the middle of the night.

It's like they made a pact over not letting us get some peace and quiet because I felt as if I've lost more sleep these last three years than I ever have in my whole life, and I thought nothing would beat Lia's crazy pregnant sex hormones. I wouldn't doubt it if Jenna had manifested this because I just know she knows I manifested Aidan to be a little shit-head.

Luckily though, I've got Lia. We're a team and a damn good one at that.

"Shit- sorry," Lia mumbles against my lips, her legs wrapped tight around my waist. I drop my head to rest in the crook of her neck, sponging kisses on her warm skin as the hot water rains down on us.

I didn't plan for us to have sex in the shower, but I can't say I wasn't surprised. I don't know if it's because it's our honeymoon or what, but Lia's been glued to me these last few days. I don't mind it though, not in the slightest.

She practically dragged me out of the park after the kids knocked out in their stroller and quickly helped me put them in the bed, hustling me along in a hurry. I couldn't even keep up with her as she shoved me into the bathroom, making sure to bring the baby monitor with us just in case the kids woke up. She practically stripped me out of my clothes and did the same to herself before rushing the two of us into the shower, slapping my ass as if to hurry me along.

I didn't blame her though because we hardly have time to be alone, especially now that the kids are getting older. Ever since they began to walk, the fear of them walking in on us has been so instilled into our minds that we just try not to have sex when they're awake and around. Just the thought of traumatizing our kids like that makes me want to both laugh and shrivel up, kind of like when they said their first words.

Lia still isn't over that.

The times that we do end up getting some alone time are moments like this, when the kids are asleep and we both desperately can only find places like the shower. I don't mind it though, I love shower sex with Lia, her warm and wet body pressed up against mine is something I'll never get over.

She barely gave us time to wash each other's hair before she gripped me in her hand, stroking me slowly. "Always so ready for me baby," she had cooed, grinding herself down on my thigh. The feeling of her wetness coating my thigh, and the fact that I knew we had limited time, only made me quicker in my actions to push her against the shower wall.

I smiled as she gasped at the coolness of the tile against her back, her hands immediately finding home in my hair. "My sweet mama wants some sweet lovin', yeah?" I asked her, smoothing my hands down her side to grip her ass. I didn't give her a chance to answer before I hiked her up against the wall, her legs immediately wrapping around my waist.

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