Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

I love her.

I come to this realization as I sit here at her kitchen table watching her cook us dinner, listening to her mumble to herself about her "stupid stove" and how she needs "sharper fucking knives."

I love Ophelia.

I thought I'd be scared to love someone ever again, but she makes it so easy.

She doesn't even have to try, she just makes loving her so effortless and carefree. She's so tender, so caring, so warm, and so loving, she's everything I've ever wanted in my life, everything I thought I never deserved.

I don't know what the fuck was going through my head back when I was dating Anna, that certainly wasn't love, or at least to the extent that I feel it now towards Ophelia. Whatever the fuck I felt for her doesn't compare in the slightest.

Time to get rid of that fucking engagement ring.

I wasn't lying to her in the bath that night, she really is it for me. I just know that no one will ever come close to her, and that's more than fine by me as long as I have her by my side.

When she yelled that she cared for me as I was leaving for the run, I think that's when it began to hit me that what I feel for her is more than just 'care.' I don't only just care for her, I need her in my life and even the mere thought of losing her makes me fucking sick.

I really fucking love her.

I know I don't deserve her though. I say things I shouldn't before I think, I've made her even more of a fucking worry wart with the shit that happens to me, and I've snapped at her one too many times. But I love her, and I can only hope that's enough to make her stay while I work on myself.

Make myself better for us.

I've been sitting at this damn table for an hour now because Lia refuses to let me help her in the kitchen, telling me that she 'wants to do this for me' so I let her have this one.

I don't mind though because it's given me some time to text Ava and tell her what I've just discovered. I told her that I think I love Lia and the response she sent back to me was nothing I shouldn't have already expected.

'It's about fucking time. Yes, I swear now, get over it. When are you gonna tell her? Are you gonna do something big? Small? Medium-sized? Tell me everything! I'm so happy for you Harry, hopefully I get to meet her someday soon. You deserve this old man. I love you.'

I can't help but to smile at her text, the way she questions me makes me think just how great of friends her and Lia could be. I remember all of the times she went on tangents, firing questions at me at a rapid pace. They are both so fucking nosy.

Much to my annoyance.

All I send back is a quick message telling her not to swear and that I'm not telling Lia for a little while longer. Ava's still a kid in my eyes, and I think she always will be so no fucking way is she gonna swear around me.

But I can't say I'm the best influence when it comes to not swearing...

It's scary and so fucking terrifying to let someone like Lia be as close to me as she already is. She has the power to break my heart and rip it to shreds without even knowing it, but I'd let her because that's just how much control she has over me.

I don't think Lia loves me, which is okay. I don't want to tell her now and freak her the fuck out, so I don't mind holding it in for a little while longer. I hope she does end up loving me though, I'd really like it if she did.

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