Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

What a fucking night it's been.

Not only did I have to fight four fucking morons but I also had the pleasure of seeing my ex-girlfriend outside of the building just before I walked in. I have no idea what she was doing around this side of town.

Probably trying to make my life more miserable than it already is.

I can't believe I wasted two years of my fucking life on Anna and let her get under my skin like she did. What a fucking joke.

And to think that I was the one to be kicked to the curb like trash...I do the kicking.

And the punching for that matter.

It's been six months since she fucked off, and I'm still so fucked up from it. Guess that goes to show how pathetic I really am.

Note to self: never allow a woman to have control over you.

She just had to have the most perfect shade of green eyes I'd ever seen, which definitely put mine to shame. Her curves, her smile, her hair....I couldn't believe she even gave me a chance.

I was just the pricky guy in the dingy bar after all.

Just thinking about her and the absolute disaster that was our break-up, brings back all of my emotions, giving them a free pass to bubble at the surface. I loved her, I really did but it seems as if the love I had for her wasn't clearly enough.

Seeing her tonight was just the fucking cherry on top. The last time I had seen her was when she was walking her tiny ass out of my apartment for good, after she had put my heart in a blender and cranked it on to max speed.

She left behind a bloody big mess when she did that.

I slam my locker door shut, hoping that would help in containing my almost surfaced emotions and provide at least some relief.

How did breaking some bones tonight not already help with my anger? God I need help.

The echo from my locker door radiates throughout the room and I receive some harsh looks from the fucking idiots that are in here trying to mend their broken bones and bloody limbs that I caused.

Ha. Good luck with that.

"What the fuck are you looking at? Get the fuck out of here before I beat your faces in. Again." That should do the trick.

I smirk to myself as they momentarily freeze before quickly grabbing their belongings and scouring out the door like the cowards they are. Pussies.

After Anna walked out, I swore to myself that this was the last time I'd ever let a woman, or anyone for that matter, get close to me again.

Fuck being open and vulnerable, that shit just leaves you bare and exposed, all the while providing an open invitation to be completely destroyed.

Which I learned the hard way.

Aren't I lucky.

I used to never give a fuck about anyone or anything. I used to strictly stick to having hook-ups and one-time fucks and that was it.

No attachments, no strings, just pure physical satisfaction. And that's the way it should be. Not having to worry about people and their emotions made everything so easy.

I've never had someone around me who gave enough of a fuck to care about who I was.

Until her.

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