Chapter 54

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Harry's POV

It's been a few days since we got home from Boston.

Our original plan was to start moving Lia into my place immediately after we got home, but I don't think we realized just how exhausted we'd be from everything that had happened over the course of these last few days.

We ended up waiting it out, resting ourselves up, and this also gave Lia some time to sort everything out about the end of her lease which was coming up apparently.

My timing was impeccable.

Seeing as Jenna and Niall were meant to go Boston right after we came back, it just worked out that we didn't do the immediate moving because this also meant Lia had to watch the bar.

She felt really bad too, talking about how she's been a shitty worker and leaving Jenna all alone but I know that was just her overthinking, even Jenna agreed. All Jenna did when we went to see both her and Niall was tell Lia she was being ridiculous and give me a hug which I wasn't expecting at all.

I looked at Lia with shock on my face, my eyes wide from the action and Lia just giggled, shrugging her shoulders as if to say 'I don't know.' I just silently hugged Jenna back and I think we're finally getting a little bit more civil with one another.

About time.

I missed Lia a lot on the days she was constantly working. Her shifts would end late and she was the person closing up the bar which meant that I wouldn't see her all day. Sometimes it was okay, when I had training or some fights, but most days were brutal and I'd just sulk with Elvis.

I made note to go sit in the bar for a couple hours on some of the days that I could, lounging around in a booth and watching Lia work. I loved doing that, seeing her happy and doing something she loves, it made me so fucking happy.

We'd usually just drive back to my place after, seeing as Elvis was already there from our short trip back from Boston, and just relax, sleeping away the rest of our exhaustion. It was a nice way to ease back into the routine that we had going on, before the reality of our actual problems set in to place.

I really fucking miss Ava. I think I realize it more every time I leave her and come back here. The night we left her she sent me a text telling me how the date went and all that fun shit and I couldn't help but to smile like a fucking idiot at my phone, happy that she was happy. She deserved nothing less than that and it couldn't have come at a better time for her either. Fuck our parents.

I wish I could be there in person to experience things with her. I never wanted to admit it but the one thing I missed the most about Boston was my sister. I hated that I even missed the place at all, but I did have days where I would think about what it would be like to go back and maybe live there someday.

It would be nice, being back in the place that I once spent all my time in. I know visiting my house was scary and nerve wracking for me but I'd never have to be around it, just in the area so I could be around my sister more. And Zayn.

Our day spent together was exactly what we needed, light and fun. Having Lia there was a just a nice bonus, it makes me real fucking happy that they get along as well as they do. It really just solidifies what I already knew, that Lia is the one for me.

She's it.

I really hope we can get her up here soon, before the summer ends. I can only fucking imagine how fun it would be to show her around with Lia and Niall, Jenna too. And to have her here for a whole week, no parents, no distractions, no would be so nice.

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