Chapter 44

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Harry's POV

I am so fucking happy.

I think I'm the happiest person in the fucking world right now. She's back, Ophelia is back and she's mine again. But most importantly, she loves me. Me.

I can't even describe how that feels. I don't know how to put what I'm feeling into words. Is it happiness? Because I'm sure I've never felt happiness like this before, at least to this fucking extent.

Hearing those words come out of her mouth.....I seriously felt like I was fucking dreaming. For weeks, the words 'I hate you' were on loop in my mind, keeping alive the possibility that maybe she really did hate me like she said.

I wouldn't have blamed her.

I don't know what came over me when I blurted those words out to her. Maybe it was her rambling on about how much she missed me, and how I wanted to kiss her so bad to cut her off like I always did. I knew that it was the moment to let her know though, I couldn't go on with my life, even with the possibility that she didn't want me back, not telling her how I felt about her.

I'm glad I did.

I was so sure she wouldn't say it back, and I wasn't expecting her to. I just wanted to tell her because I wanted her to know and that was the truth, but I can't say it didn't feel good to hear them fall out of her mouth as well.

"I love you, you idiot."

Of course she had to add in her own little touch, but I wouldn't expect anything less from her. They're words that I genuinely thought I'd never say to anyone ever again, other than Ava and Niall. After my last failed relationship, it was something that I didn't see myself going through again. I've loved too many people who have ended up disappointing me in my life and frankly, that fucking terrified me.

But loving Lia is the easiest and most rewarding thing I've ever done.

I sat there at her bedside for two days, nothing on my mind other than her well-being, praying that she woke up soon. That was something new to me, praying. I was praying like crazy, hoping someone up there heard my desperate pleas and saw my fallen tears.

I was praying a lot, never did before.

I held her hand and didn't move no matter how many times Wendy told me I should, not wanting to miss the possibility of her waking up.

I was terrified for when she would though. We were still broken up and I wasn't sure how our conversation would go. I knew I fucked up and after her accident I wanted to talk to her again in hopes that she would take me back.

I was praying real fucking hard.

Seeing her like that all hurt and bruised absolutely wrecked me. It was a sight I never wanted to see and just knowing that she was in pain when she shouldn't be was the last straw. I knew then and there that I had to have her back.

I probably sounded so desperate when I told her to take me back, but the truth is that I was desperate. I didn't want to go any longer without her, I craved her touch, I missed her laugh, her smile, her presence, everything about her.

And I love her too much.

I didn't realize that by breaking us apart, I was ruining things for both of us. I was putting us both through heartbreak, and potentially leaving her out in the open for more danger. Now that she's with me, I'll be more inclined to keep her safe and likely to do so because I'm not letting her out of my fucking sight ever again.

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