Chapter 59

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*TW: Death/dying, blood, and violence*

Harry's POV

My fucking heart stops beating at Jenna's words. Vulture? They've been there this whole time?

"Are you sure?" Connor asks, his voice coming out in a hurry. Jenna eyes the still-frame of Lia one last time before nodding her head. "I'm sure. Bet my life on it."

I feel my palms getting sweaty just thinking about seeing Lia and Niall again. The fact that they're literally so fucking close to us, that any minute now we could be leaving to go to them, has my mind racing.

I can't stop anxiously moving my leg and my hands reach up to run through my hair as I wait for their next move. If it was up to me, I'd be out of the house the second Jenna spoke those words, hunting down Victor and Denver and getting my two people back.

"Okay, well what do we do now?" I hurriedly ask, pacing back and forth and watching as Connor stands up. "We should go, right? They're so close to us." Connor shakes his head, coming to stand closer to me. "Harry, we can't just blindly go in like that, we need to figure out how to approach them strategically. They can do anything, you know that."

I know that but I don't want to hear that.

Realistically, I know that he's right. We're risking both Lia and Niall's life and we can't just go in blind no matter how fucking badly I want to. But I hate this waiting game, I hate that I know where Lia is, but I still can't hold her or touch her or even just fucking see her.

I swallow thickly, tilting my head to look up at the ceiling as I let out a deep breath, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. Connor reaches up to squeeze my shoulder once, before turning around and walking over to where Jenna is.

He shuffles through one of the many bags he brought and pulls out what looks to be a map of Vulture. He gives it to Jenna, letting her pinpoint where the room is that she believes Lia is in. I notice that he also has a bunch of other maps laying around, looking to be of other potential places that Niall and Lia could be kept right now. Maybe he was doing his damn work after all.

Jenna looks over it for a while, before squinting her eyes and pointing at one area in particular. "There! It was right there, just to the side of their bar." I quickly turn to Connor, who is now drawing a circle around the possible room before passing the map around to the other guys, letting them use it to help formulate a plan. "Okay are we going now?" I blurt out. "We can, right? We know where they are, we can't waste more time."

Connor shakes his head at me, looking between the two of us, before turning to Elijah and grabbing the map from him. "No. We're going, you both are staying here."

He has to be fucking kidding me.

Does he really think that I'm not going with him? If anything they can stay here and I'll go get Lia and Niall my damn self.

"I'm coming with you." I tell them, holding my ground. "I don't give a fuck what you say, I'm coming whether you like it or not." Connor and Elijah spare a glance at one another before they look back at me. "Harry...." Elijah trails off, making me scoff. "Fuck right off," I snap, "I'm not going to fucking sit here and wait, I've done enough of that. I'm going in there with you. Arrest me afterwards for all I care, but I'm making sure they get out safe and sound. Don't fucking test me."

I harden my glare on the two of them, making sure they know I'm going whether they like it or not. I can't fucking sit here any longer, I'm surprised I even managed to do it for this long already. My Lia needs me.

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