Chapter 55

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Ophelia's POV

'Get in an outfit that makes your cute little ass feel the prettiest and drop any plans you may have made for tonight. We're going on a date. Be ready in an hour.'

That's all Harry had said in his text. He was out "doing some shit" when I had suddenly received this text out of the blue, both exciting me and making me nervous.

This morning, I was fully expecting to wake up next to his warm body pressed against mine, the heat of our bodies mixing together. But he wasn't there.

All I smelled was the sweet scent of french toast filling our room, and I sat up immediately knowing exactly what it was that Harry was doing. I hastily climbed out of bed, tripping over my legs as I got tangled in the sheets that we both were sharing the night before, running to the bathroom and brushing my teeth as quickly as I could.

It made me giddily smile, the fact that I was standing in our bathroom, that this was something so real, and it was happening to me. If you asked me a year ago if I saw myself like this, I probably would have said no, not realizing that I deserved happiness too.

But now, I know I do. I deserve to be happy, I deserve laughter and smiles, I deserve someone who cares about me the way Harry does, and I most certainly deserve love.

Harry's helped me see that.

This is all that was running through my head as I happily did my morning routine, standing in the bathroom in just Harry's oversized tee and my panties, admiring that this is what my life was going to be like for forever especially if Harry really did end up proposing to me.

When I found the ring in his drawer, I didn't know what to think of it for a moment. A brief thought about whether it had been for me or not did pass through my mind, but I immediately erased that idea entirely. It couldn't have been, not when we only just moved in together.

There was only one other relationship that Harry had even mentioned as serious as ours and that was his with Anna. I knew right then that the ring I was holding in my hands wasn't mine, but in fact it was hers. His ex-girlfriend.

I wasn't mad, I didn't have a reason to be. I was upset about it, yes, but I think I had a right to be. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, that isn't the kind of person I am so I waited for him to come home before I did anything.

Considering we were practically in the midst of moving, I had to trust Harry, that's what a healthy relationship is supposed to be built on. And I do, I do trust him, I trust him with my life, but seeing that ring was hard. I also didn't want to argue with him, it wasn't needed. I just wanted him to truthfully tell me what it was still doing with him and we could work it out.

And he did.

He owned up to the fact that it was hers, that he had just simply forgotten about it and at first I was a little wary about his answer. I knew Harry. I knew that he was miserable with Anna, and I knew what his relationship with her was like, it was obvious he didn't care about her anymore. I also knew that my Harry loves me.

A fight wasn't necessary because I felt secure in our relationship with him. I knew that he loved me more than anything and I loved him just as much, if not more. If he was telling me he forgot about it in his drawer, I believed him.

I loved our conversation after. How casually he brought up marriage, how he seemed so sure it was something that he wanted with me, and how he was so unfazed by it being such a casual conversation between us. I don't think he realized, but it made my heart flutter and my body flush that it was something he clearly thought about more than once.

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