Chapter 5

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Ophelia's POV

Why are jobs necessary to survive?

This is my only thought as I run around Neon Gravity, Saturdays always being our busiest night of the week.

What doesn't help is the fact that Jenna, who is also here, has now disappeared.  She's probably hiding somewhere in the back, kind enough to leave me alone with two big party groups and a couple of stragglers who are swarming around the bar.

How very kind of her.

"Elijah!" I yell out, catching the attention of a couple of the stragglers at the bar. "Get your ass out here before I come and drag you out myself."

I hear the swinging of the staff door from behind me, and catch him coming to stand beside me with a smile on his face. 

"I'm present your honour" he jokes, "how can I be of service my lady?"

I whack his shoulder with the bar rag in my hand before I send him off, "can you please go and clear all the glasses off the back tables? I can't leave the bar area right now."

He gives me a wide smile and a thumbs up, quickly heading towards the now empty tables.

Elijah and I have worked together for a little while now, I like him.  He's always cheery and in a good mood.

It doesn't hurt that he's not so bad to look at either.  If we weren't coworkers, I wouldn't be opposed to sleeping with him.  His dirty blonde hair and warm brown eyes could melt any girl's heart, and he knows it.  Elijah makes a killing when it comes to tip money.

Lucky bastard. 

Once I finish cleaning up the bar a bit and prepping some drink orders, I go into the back room to sit down for a second.  I just need a breather.

Making my way into the staff room, I quickly drop myself down onto the chair at the table and let out a deep breath I dont realize I've been holding.

"Fucking hell, why the fuck is it so fucking busy tonight" I cant help but mutter to myself. I'm definitely a little agitated that I'm here busting my ass and not at home cuddling Elvis while we watch reruns of our favourite show.

He better not be watching Criminal Minds without me. 

As I'm sitting here, giving my poor feet a rest, I realize that the staff bathroom door is slightly ajar, and I can see someone moving in there. 

The person moves a bit so that they're now visible in the open gap and I see a lipstick grasped in their hand.  I know that hand and I know that lipstick.

This is what she's been doing while I've been working away? Bitch.

I get up from my seat and walk towards the bathroom, despite my feet wanting me to do the complete opposite at this very moment. 

I push open the bathroom door fully to see none other than my best friend standing there, staring at herself in the mirror. Her purse is on the counter, contents spilling out as she fixes up her makeup, pausing as she notices she's been caught.

"Where have you been?! We're swamped out there, you need to fucking hire more people goddamit. And where the hell are you going?" I question, finally taking notice of her outfit.

Her black skinny jeans and white cropped tube top make her tits and ass look unreal.  Fucking bitch.

She gives me a shy smile through the mirror, "Niall is going to pop by the bar tonight, I didn't want to be caught in my usual work clothes."

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