xxx • crave your lips

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"crave your lips"


THE RISING SUN CASTED A ROSY HUE ACROSS THE MORNING SKY, like the brushstrokes of a master painter, molten sunlight sneaking into my room whilst the breeze that intruded swept my hair to my face. The world outside was bathed in a rosy glow, the trees and rooftops silhouetted against the light, the sun slowly turning the morning into a work of art.

As I reviewed my bedroom for the umpteenth time, I slipped on my favorite sneakers whilst smoothening down the fabric of my blouse. I'd already packed up my stuff, barely fazed at the idea of leaving home again, however, I was going to miss it.

I dragged my feet across the plush carpet, my bags bumping along the floor behind me as I made my way towards the living room. As I reached the living room, I spotted my mom in the living room sitting with uncle and Allison. Uncle Jason was next to her, his arm draped casually around her shoulders while Allison was perched on the arm of the couch, her blue eyes twinkling as she took me in. The room felt stifling, a silent tension simmering beneath the surface. My mom smiled adoringly, sullenness lingering behind her features which she tried to mask, however, failed.

"Good morning," I greeted warmly, making my way over to them.

"Come here, kiddo," Uncle Jason said, opening his arms wide. I sank into his embrace, his strong arms wrapping around me like a warm blanket, his touch comforting. He had been like a father to me ever since, and now, in his arms, I felt that same love and acceptance he'd given me when I thought everything had crumbled.

The couch dipped as Ally sat down next to me, and I pulled away from uncle, turning to her and opening my arms. She leaned into me, her head resting on my shoulder and I could feel her heart beating against mine, the rhythm steady and reassuring. The silence between us was comforting, like a warm blanket on a cold winter's night.

"Don't be such a baby, pig face," I said, trying to sound lighthearted. "I'll be back for Christmas. You can't get rid of me that easily." I ruffled her hair, hoping to make her smile.

She pulled away, shooting me with a playful glare. "I'm not being a baby."

Chuckling, I stood up and walked towards my mom who opened her arms wide, falling into the warmth of her embrace. "Mom, I want you to take care of yourself." I said, the words tumbling out of my mouth. "You need to eat well, get plenty of sleep, and maybe even take up a new hobby."

She pushed the loose strands of my hair off my shoulders and I watched her smile, sullenness shadowing the gesture. Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight bun, emphasizing the sharpness of her features. The light from the window streamed in behind her, making her seem almost otherworldly. "You are my daughter, I should be the one worrying about you."

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