xiv • boxer's movie night

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE you didn't call all this while! How proud I am

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"I CAN'T BELIEVE you didn't call all this while! How proud I am."

I frowned slightly, guilt running through my veins. "Mom, I'm sorry. I've just been so busy, college is hectic." Moreover I hated this guy who messed up my white top, punched his friends, smashed a guy's car, surprisingly became friends with the same guy I hated and now I hang out with a bunch of idiots.

She sighed. "I understand honey, even Allison is complaining of school being stressful. How're you, though?"

It warmed my heart to actually hear from her again after three weeks, and I shrugged my shoulders like she could see me. "Fine, just how I left."

Surprisingly, I'm a lot.. . happier.

The line went silent for a few seconds, and I knew she was worried about something. She sighed, and I could imagine her eyebrows furrowing. "I hope you're socializing really well."

I smiled. "Yes mom, I have six friends, surprisingly."

She chuckled. "I'm proud of you, and. . . Do you still get those nightmares?"

I frowned slightly. "It was just once, nothing serious." I didn't want the discussion to go further into that so, I changed the subject. "So how's Ali and Uncle?"

"They're both fine, your uncle has gone out for work though."


"Carla are you ready yet?" Bella's voice resonated from the bathroom, and I suddenly realized I had been on the phone for too long.


"Who was that?" Mom asked, and I could picture her eyebrows lifting up.

"My roommate, Bella."

"She sounds like a sweet girl so, where are you guys going?"

She was a parent, so such questions were bound to be asked. I rolled my eyes. "There's a boxing match today so we are heading there now."

She chuckled- the kind when she remembered something. "I remember how your uncle wanted you to be a boxer, though it could've suited you."

I feigned hurt because her words came out comical. "Mom, you know I hate wasting my time, and as we both know, getting punched in the face as a profession is a waste of time for me."

I could picture the roll of her eyes and the tilt of her head like she always does when she thinks I'm being ridiculous. "Just forget that, and live your best. I want you to be happy."

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