v • raging storm

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My head and back fucking hurt a lot. The painful throb I felt came from the back of my head. The unbearable pain brought few memories of what happened.

Going to the library. . . Walking down the school's empty hallway. . . Being hit in the head, then . . . Darkness.

I groaned slightly, before forcing my eyes open with little energy I had left in me. Holding onto a wall, I managed to stand on my wobbly feet.

Where the hell was I?

I couldn't see a damn thing because I was cursed with total darkness. I ran my hand up the wall to find a light switch and with the flip of my finger, the place was bathed with poor dim light. I blinked repeatedly until my vision registered with my surrounding. I was in some sort of closed up room with no windows but a door standing in front of me.

Trying to pull the door open, it didn't budge- I was locked in. The first thing I did was panic, I needed to get out of there and fast before the memories of my past came crawling back to me.

I looked around the tiny room for anything I could use to break out but there was nothing useful apart from- a mop stick, a broom and a dustpan. In an attempt to try my luck, I picked up the mop stick and began whacking the door, all to no avail- except that, the mop stick got broken into two.

My next option was; banging the door. My weak fists kept colliding with the door as I screamed on top of my lungs, "SOMEONE LET ME OUT!"

But when no one came to my aid, I mentally cursed myself. Stupid. School was long over so who would even be around? I kicked the door hard in frustration before I dropped down on the floor.

Resting my head against the wall, I only prayed that I don't end up dead in the suffocating room due to the fact that I was gradually losing oxygen. Think Carla. I closed my eyes for a brief moment and opened them back immediately, I was scared- so scared of slipping into the evil hands of my past and then waking up to realize it's now a fraction of my new found life.

Then, there was a loud thud.

A loud thud like a door being shut close. It was the only thing that got me scared, making me jump slightly with tensed shoulders. I rose up, terrified- it was happening again. The thud didn't come from the door in front of me, it came from my head- my past was replaying in my head.

I tried not to close my eyes but with the throbbing headache that hit me like a rock, I was bound to keep them shut. All I saw was darkness but the thud kept echoing in my head.

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