xxiv • halloween

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THE LIVING ROOM WAS FULL OF PEOPLE, something Walter's family deserved points for

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THE LIVING ROOM WAS FULL OF PEOPLE, something Walter's family deserved points for. As I looked down the steps, I noticed a heard of the most pretentious looking adults and kids in different sparkling costumes. Some of the girls had on glittery ball gowns—each displaying different characters—and the guys were mostly dressed as pilots and business men.

I sighed, running a hand down my shirt in an attempt to distract myself from the overwhelming amount of prestigious people and how it bothered my peace. None of this was fun to me, nor did I like associating with such rich people, but having two companies helped in more ways than I could count.

Bella had grabbed my arm whilst we descended down the stairs with Jess on my other side. We hadn't even gotten to the end of the stairs when most of the guests looked at our direction, each either gasping or muttering something—and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

What? Haven't seen three hot girls in costumes before?

There was no doubt that we three looked hot in our costumes—where I was dressed as a boxer. A matching black sports bra and shorts with a red silky robe, gloves, sneakers and hair in pig tails. I know I'd said that I didn't like boxing but it definitely didn't hurt to try it out for Halloween. Bella was clad in a cheerleading outfit and Jess, dressed as a sexy high school teacher.

Upon reaching the floor, almost all eyes were trained on us and it made me wonder—what are they thinking?

I stood by the girls, quietly sipping on the juice a waiter had given me, and observing my surroundings. The winding staircase leading to the second floor caught my eye. There was nothing new about it—the black intricate designs was a great contrast against the bright white tiles—but the person staring down at me from above made my eyes linger and solidify for more than just a second.


Clad in pants and a tight fitting top that showed off his muscles, Valen's hotness increased tenfold. My eyes had scanned him from head to toe, all before meeting his eyes that were scanning me. His eyes finally met mine and he sent a wink my way. Apart from a few awkward silence, nothing had changed between Valen and I. Anytime I took him in, I always wanted to know what he was thinking about, what he thought of me—was he attracted me too?

The guys spoke few more words before deciding to walk down the stairs. Valen was the first to saunter into the living room like a Greek god. The girls had their wide-eyed gaze fixed on him, lips parted in awe—ever since he walked down the stairs—and the attention he was receiving made a bit jealous. Okay, really jealous.

The lack of comfort and irritation made their reappearance, and I scowled at the girls whilst rolling my eyes.

The guys had graced our presence, each taking in our costumes, and I couldn't miss the way Austin had eyed me like I was some meat to be devoured. I had ignored him and instead, focused on Valen—whom by mere sight made by eyes wide and running, thoughts everywhere and nowhere at the same time. It was the way his gaze held mine, an unconscious smile tugged on his lips, killing every bubble I was confined in.

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