✎- prologue

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••Three years ago••

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••Three years ago••

MY LIFE HAD BEEN ANYTHING but easy. In fact, it had been downright difficult at times. But I never let my struggles define me. I stood tall and faced my challenges head-on, never backing down from a fight. I knew that I was capable of overcoming anything that came my way, no matter how hard it seemed. I refused to run away from my problems, instead choosing to confront them head-on. Because that's the kind of person I am - determined, resilient, and fierce.

And right at that moment, I was ready to kick my problem's ass.

Beads of sweat formed on my skin as I stood under the blazing sun, my shirt clinging to my back. The air was thick and heavy, and the heat seemed to radiate off the pavement in waves. In front of me, the boys were laughing and joking, oblivious to my discomfort. Their high-fives and cheerful words grated on my nerves, and I struggled to maintain my composure. It was as if the sun had turned the alley into a furnace, and I was trapped inside, surrounded by mocking voices and scorching heat.

Daniel and his cronies were notorious troublemakers in the neighborhood; they seemed to take pleasure in making other people's lives miserable, and I was one of their favorite targets. As a girl, I felt like an easy target for their teasing and taunts and I knew I should stand up for myself, give them each a punch in the face, but something always held me back.

I kept my cool because of Mom, she wanted me to learn to control my anger even though we both knew I was very short-tempered.

I didn't wait for the assholes in front of me to finish with their horrible laughing because I was never patient when it came to dumbasses like them, "I guess you're out of horrible jokes so why don't you move your damn ass away," I sneered.

"Oh my," the blonde haired chuckled," I didn't know you could still talk, considering the fact that you must be weak from the beatings you always receive," His words dripped with malice, like honeyed poison, and the other boys erupted into cackling laughter. My hands balled into fists at my sides, but I knew better than to give in to my anger. Still, I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, like a volcano about to erupt.

I could feel my nails digging into my palms as I clenched my fists, my face contorting into a mask of fury. The rage coursed through my veins, threatening to burst out at any moment. I took a deep breath, trying to rein it in, but the anger was too intense. It would have been better for everyone if those boys had just kept their mouths shut, but I knew that was too much to ask.

For the few seconds I stood there, I kept reminding myself not to loose control because if I did it wouldn't end well for any of them. But unfortunately, because I stood there without any form of response, Daniel decided to dig his own grave.

"I can't believe there's a man you call father when he has no care for you. And we all know that he wouldn't hesitate to kill you," he feigned pity. "There's a reason for it though. It's because you are worthless," he shrugged and immediately laughter rose into the air.

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