✎ - foreword

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"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you; they're supposed to
help you discover who you are."



Carla Marshall was a storm that could not be contained, her thunder rumbling and her lightning flashing, but her beauty could only be seen when the rain began to fall. The raindrops were her tears, the storm was her sorrow, but when she opened herself up to the world, she revealed a rainbow of hope and light. She was a rare thing, a force of nature, a tempest of emotion, and those who saw her for who she truly was knew that she was more than a storm cloud. She was the sun after the rain, the promise of a new beginning.

However, no matter how much she tries to run or fight, Carla Marshall is still stuck in the tragic verse of her past. With her troubling past bottled up, she's determined to get through life unharmed.

But keeping her past hidden turned out very difficult when Valen Monroe comes into her life. Drawn to her, he's determined to find out more than she portrays.

The question's quite obvious—will he be able to break down her walls?



BEGIN:- 01/02/2021




This book will contain mature scenes and languages, scenes of physical and emotional abuse, mention of suicide, violence—If any of these topics are triggering to you, PLEASE DO NOT READ. And if you ever need someone to talk to, my DM is always open.

Also, careful not to fall for my characters ;)



Hey Lovelies!! <3

I don't exactly know how you came across this book but I'm glad you're taking your time to read this. I'm so excited to start my second story on Wattpad and I just want to tya who stayed with me while I wrote my last book, "WFHL"

So, presenting my new story, 'VALIANT' I'm honoured to share it with you. As you all know, it's based on college romance and I'm hoping you all would love this book as much as I loved writing it.

One of my main reasons for writing this story is to raise awareness about the awful things young girls do go through in life- Gender Discrimination and Domestic Abuse- but standing strong and being brave was one thing to withstand all problems in life.

Now, here are some ground rules;

»» NO HATE COMMENTS. I wouldn't tolerate it. Imagine just wasting your time spreading negativity on someone's book- it's so not nice. The comments should be fun, lively and positive.

»» My characters have their stories so please refrain from bashing them as they are bound to make mistakes, we all do. If I make my all my characters flawless this wouldn't even be a book and also whatever my characters does or believes doesn't reflect my personality.

»» PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT. Dropping your thoughts and constructive criticism would really help out because I'm not a perfect writer- pointing out mistakes would do s great job. Also, your votes would encourage me to keep writing.

For the last time, thank you guys so much for chosing to read this book and I really hope you enjoy it and have fun reading it.



Copyrights shortyywrites, 2021

ll rights reserved. No reprodution, copy or transmission of this document may be made without written permission from the author.

In other words, DON'T STEAL MY SHIT.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are my imagination. Any chance there's a slight similarity with any other books it's a coincidence.



Dedicated to all the beautiful people out there. You all are wonderful in your unique ways. Stay golden<3

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