Chapter 18: Value.

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Now it was night time and everyone already had the dinner and played a lot of games, and had a lot fun too.

Jungkook and YN were doing their night routine after wearing some comfy clothes.

They brushed their teeth then washed their face with a night facewash.

They went to their room and sat on the bed, YN was on the left side of the bed as Jungkook on the right side.

YN suddently spoke "Kook i'm telling you maybe i do karate during my sleep so i'm giving you the advice to protect yourself".

Jungkook laughed and nodded as YN too smiled and layed down.

Jungkook too layed down and YN quickly sent a message to her mom that she was safe and went to sleep after turning off the light.

Thanks to God that no one got hurt during the night.


YN got up after her alarm rang, as always at 6 AM.

She stretched herself then looked at Jungkook who was sleeping cutely with a pout.

YN smiled after seeing him and muttered a small "cute".

She went to the bathroom, to wash her face and brush her teeth.

After that she came out of the bathroom and Jungkook was still sleeping, so she decided to prepare the breakfast.

There was a little habit of YN to touch her neck and see if her best freind locket was still here.

She felt it around her neck and smiled, and it was the same for the 3 others.

They never took off their locket as it was their friendship's proof.

After 20 mins the breakfast was ready and YN went to wake up Jungkook.

She entered the room and went to their bed before shaking him lightly.

"Jungkook? Jungkook?".

After the second call he woke up and rubbed his eyes and looked at YN.

"Oh YN? What's wrong?" YN smiled "Nothings wrong just i prepared the breakfast, come and eat".

Jungkook nodded and got up before going to the bathroom and washing his teeth.

He came to the kitchen and sat across YN and started to eat.

He smiled after tasting the food as he was happy and YN too smiled.

Soon after that they went out and did their workout session, and this time even a single teacher didn't try to spy them as they got taught a lesson.

The sporty youngers finished their workout session and went to take a shower one by one (of course one by one).

After that, they went out of their mobile home, now it was 7 AM and almost everyone were already there including Taehyung and Jisoo.

The teachers too came and called for everyone, as everybody was gathered Mr. CHOI spoke.

"So guys, do you want to play hide and seek?" As he said that everyone cheered and nodded.

"Ok that's good, so who will count?" A student raised his hand and the teacher nodded.

He soon closed his eyes and counted as everyone scattered everywhere.

YN went behind a random mobile home and the others went everywhere like, behind the trees, mobile home, bushes and all.

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