Chapter 2: "YOU?!".

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After arguing with that boy i started to walk while stomping my feets on the concret floor.

I thought that now i will not see his face nor hear his voice again but my own thoughts betrayed me.

I heard the familiar voice calling me "Yahhhh!!!! You bitch where do you think you are going after calling me a jerk?!".

I sighed frustrated and turned around only to meet his furious eyes.

I was so pissed off from the argument and now he was ading more.

"What do you want now?!" "Do you think i will let you go that easily, han?!".

I looked everywhere expect at him because i was uninteressted in what he was saying.

After his one hour speech which was just pissing me off, i yawned as he looked at me in dibelieve.

"Are you done? So yeah i already apologised to you so what is your problem it's not like only your clothes are stained mine too are all dirty look!".

I showed him my clothes as he just death glared me.

"I'm telling you the next time i see you i will make your life a hell-" he was cut off by his phone ringing.

He then took out his phone still glaring at me.

"Hello mom....Yeah i'm coming back home.....Yeah bye" after his phone call ended, he turned toward me.

"Don't worry i will find you wherever you are and i'm not going to let you live peacefully after you called me jerk ".

And with that he went away as i scoffed "Do i look like i'm scared? Tsk" after that me too went to my home.

After i entred the house my mom saw me "Y/N dear? What happened with your clothes?".

"Just a random guy who spilled some coffee on me, it was just a little accident. But i'm not going to lie he's such a pain in ass, i wonder how his parents are living with him under the same roof".

I was huffing as my mom was laughing "Hahaha now go to take a bath it will calm you down".

i nodded and went to my room then grabbed a towel before going toward the bathroom to take a bath.

I entered in the hot bathtub that i just prepared and let myself relax.

I closed my eyes for sometimes and enjoyed the beautifull smell of roses which made me even more relaxed.

After 30 mins i came out of the bathtub after rinsing myself under the water to remove the soap and wrapped myslef into a soft towel.

After that i went out of the bathroom to wear my clothes.

As it was already night time i wore a night wear.

After that i went downstairs to eat my dinner.

I entered the kicthen and saw my mom still cooking so i asked her "Mom do you need some help?".

She looked at me then said "Mmm, yes i think so...Can you please wash the vegetables?".

I nodded and grabbed the basket of vegetables before walking toward the sink to wash them.

"Y/N did i tell you that Mrs. JEON is also my business partener?" I frowned.

"No mom you didn't..." "Oh so we will work togheter from now and maybe sometime we will also have some business trips. I just wanted to inform you".

i hummed as she added "And also she said that she will invite us to her house someday for dinner".

"Oh, she is a very sweet woman i really appreciate her" my mom nodded and smiled as we continued to cook together.

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