Chapter 17: Love matter.

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"Wow this is so big and cool" YN said and Jungkook nodded "Yes and very comfy too".

Jungkook went to living room and sat on the couch to relax as YN went to wash her face and brush her teeth.

She quickly unpacked her bag but did not take out her clothes yet.

She just took her toothbrush and her facewash then went in the bathroom.

She quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face before going to the kicthen and cooking.

As she was going to the kicthen she spotted Jungkook still in the same position on the couch.

She chuckled seeing his cuteness then went to the kicthen to look for something to eat for the breakfast.

She went to the frigde and opened it, luckily the frigde was already full.

So she took out some eggs, bacons and breads, before starting to cook.

Jungkook was resting on the couch but soon got up and went toward the kicthen after smelling the yummy smell of the breakfast.

He entered the kicthen and saw YN cooking, he smiled and leaned on the door frame while crossing his arms.

He was scanning her every movements and saw how professional she was in everything.

Like cooking, cleaning, taking care of herself and all.

Soon YN finished to cook and turned around with two plates full of breakfast and put them on the kitchen's counter.

She was about to call for Jungkook, but stopped as she saw him.

She smiled "Oh you are here, i prepared the breakfast for us".

"Thank you so much YN, i was really hungry" He started to walk to the counter but YN stood in front of him.

"Ahm ahm did you brushed your teeth and did you washed your face?".

He shook his head and YN smiled before dragging him to their room.

She took his suitcase and opened it before taking out his toothbrush.

"Here your toothbrush and go, brush your teeth. And also my facewash is on the sink, go and use it too".

She pushed him into the bathroom and went back to the kitchen.

Jungkook smiled unknowingly after she went away.

YN entered again in the kicthen, then suddently gasped after remembering she didn't prepare the juice.

She quickly prepared a jug of fresh orange juice and put it on the kitchen's counter too.

Then Jungkook arrived back to the kitchen and sat on the chair across YN.

They started to eat and Jungkook complimented her cooking skills as she thanked him while smiling shyly.

After they finished to eat, YN got up and took all the dirty dishes to wash them but Jungkook stopped her.

"I will do it as you already prepared the breakfast" YN smiled and nodded as he smiled back.

Then she went to her room to put on her workout clothes...

(This is what she wore👇)

(This is what she wore👇)

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