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A/N: So it's a little sad in the beginning but it gets better and cute.. I promise!

Murdoc and 2D were going to walk to the local playground.

"Alright we're leaving!" Stuart told Noodle and Russel. "Bye guys, have fun!" They replied back. Stuart grabbed Murdoc's hand and interlocked his fingers with Murdoc's. They walked out the door , hand in hand and started walking. As they were walking, they started talking about little things. Little things that came to mind like ice cream and movies and books. They could see the playground from a distance, Murdoc stopped in his tracks. 2D stopped as well. "Muds? Everything alright?" He asked Murdoc. Murdoc started mumbling to himself and pulled his hand away from 2D and started walking fast ahead of Stuart. Mumbling things to himself, Stuart started to run after him. "Hey! Murdoc! What's going on?!" He practically shouted. He almost caught up to Murdoc when he started to fall forward. (Clumsy 2D </3) Murdoc gasped and caught Stuart in his arms and helped him back up. He looked Murdoc in the eye. "Thanks love.. that could have been bad. Now... can you tell me what's going on? Why are you running from me?" He said to murdoc. "I-i'm sorry Stu, I started thinking about something that happened to me as a child.. and I didn't know what i was doing..I just tried to walk away." 2D pulled Murdoc into a hug and held him. "It's okay muds, do you want to talk about it? We can go sit down over here."(a bench) Murdoc nodded and walked to the bench with Stuart. They both sat down and Murdoc sighed and started speaking. "So you know how my piece of shit father made me perform in pubs when i was a child?" Stuart nodded and Murdoc continued speaking. "Well there was this one specific pub i went to and right across the street was a playground, and i wanted to go play.. or see what that was about. So I ran over to the playground entrance and heard my father yelling at me from across the street. I was about to go inside and my father dragged me by the ear back to the pub. That's all I-I'll say for now..I'm sorry Stu." Murdoc started to tear up. "Babe.. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I wouldn't have brought you here if I would have known. We could go back home, we don't have to go here." Stuart said. He wiped away Murdoc's tears gently and wrapped his arms around him. "I- I still wanna go play.. " He said softly to Stuart.

"Alright Muds." He told him. 2D continued to hold him for a few minutes and pulled away to kiss his forehead. Murdoc blushed and smiled and went to grab Stuart's hand again. 2D took his hand in his and they walked to the playground. "What do you wanna do first love?" Murdoc thought for a minute.
"Swings!!" He said excitedly. They walked over to the swings. Stuart sat in one and then Murdoc. Murdoc looked down and pouted. He poked 2D. Stuart looked at him. "C-can you help me swing?.. i'm too short to push myself off the ground." 2D got off his swing and went behind Murdoc. "Hold on tight muds." He told him. Murdoc held onto the swing tightly and 2D started pulling him back and let him swing gently. Murdoc had a huge grin on his face and giggled. Stuart pushed him gently and Murdoc kept swinging. When murdoc swung up, 2D said "up up we go!!" to which murdoc laughed in response. He pushed Murdoc two more times. "Hey muds, do you think i can swing now? Are you good?" He asked Murdoc. "Yes Stu." He replied. Stuart walked over to the swing next to murdoc and sat in it and started pushing himself off the ground to swing. Eventually he caught up to Murdoc, and they were swinging at the same time. Murdoc tried to touch the clouds with his shoes. He laughed and Stuart looked at his boyfriend in awe. "You're too cute muds" He told him. Murdoc stuck his tongue out and kept swinging.

They swung for a few more minutes and Stuart slowed down. Murdoc made that cute "hmph" sound. "Need help getting off the swing muds?" 2D asked. Murdoc nodded shyly. 2D got off his swing and went behind murdoc again and stopped his swing. He went in front of Murdoc and picked murdoc up out of the swing and placed him on the ground. Murdoc walked over to the slide and Stuart stayed at the bottom of the slide. Murdoc sat down at the top of the slide and 2D held out his arms to catch murdoc and Murdoc slid down the slide into 2D's arms. Murdoc hugged him and stood up. "Your turn Stu! I wanna catch you now!" He giggled. Stuart climbed up to the top of the slide and sat down and Murdoc held out his arms like 2D did. 2D slid down and slid into Murdoc's arms. 2D blushed and stood up. They walked over to the monkeybars and they both swung on them. 2D helped Murdoc get down when he reached the end. Stuart heard a familiar jingle and gasped. "The icecream truck! Muds want some ice cream??" He asked murdoc. "Yeah!" Murdoc replied and they walked over to the icecream truck. They ordered their ice cream and waited patiently for the ice cream man to hand them their ice cream. "Here you go boys." He handed them their ice cream and Stuart paid. They went back and sat on some grass." Murdoc licked his ice cream cutely. 2D gave murdoc a toothy grin and started to eat his ice cream too. Murdoc saw some ice cream that started to melt onto Stuart's hand and he went closer to stuart and licked his hand. "Muds-" Stuart scoffed and blushed. They enjoyed the rest of their ice cream. A few minutes later they got up and Murdoc went to the slide again and slid down it. 2D watched him slide down and looked at the expression on his face. He looked so cute, he was happy murdoc was enjoying himself. He deserved it. Murdoc walked over to 2D out of breath. "I wanna go home nowwww" He told Stuart. "Then let's go home love." Stuart and Murdoc started to walk home.

When they got home, they saw Noodle and Russel watching something on the Tv. "Hi guys! Did you have fun?" Noodle asked. "Yeah we did, thanks Stu for all the fun." Murdoc replied and smiled at 2D. "You're welcome my love, anytime." He said. They joined Noodle and Russel on the couch and decided to put on a movie instead of watching TV.

A/N: I just want to thank those of you again who have shown support on this story! It really means a lot to me. (: Have a good day/night. ~A

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