Strawberries and Comfort 🍓

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Stuart decided to take Murdoc out for a little getaway to a cabin in the woods. They both needed it, since they have been so busy working on their music. Plus they figured they would be out of Noodle and Russel's hair. 

Stuart got up from a chair and went to the fridge to grab strawberries to snack on. He grabbed them and went over to Murdoc. "Hey Muds, wanna go sit outside on the front steps and eat strawberries with me?" He asked Murdoc. Murdoc nodded his head and walked outside with Stuart. They sat down on the front steps sitting across from each other, 2D placing the strawberries in the middle of them. Stuart looked up at the sky and then at his lover. "Look up there Muds, look at how pretty the stars are!" He tells murdoc and murdoc looks up then back at 2D. "Yeah Stu, those are very pretty but you're even prettier." Murdoc said and 2D blushed. 'Awe shush." He replied and picked up a strawberry. "Can I do something?" He asked Murdoc. "Yeah" Murdoc replied. "Open your mouth." He told Murdoc. Murdoc opened his mouth and 2D fed him a strawberry. "Mmm" was the only sound that came out of Murdoc's mouth. 2D giggled. "Was that yummy love?" He asked murdoc. Murdoc nodded shyly. 2D ate a strawberry and then Murdoc took the container of strawberries and placed them aside. He then laid his head on Stuart's lap. Stuart brushed the hair out of murdoc's face and began playing with his hair. They sat in silence for a few minutes just enjoying each others presence. Murdoc sat up and spoke softy after a few mins, "Stu.." he said. "Hm?" He replied. "I know I've apologized several times before.. and you've forgiven me but Im so sorry for how I treated you and for every wrong thing I've ever done to you in the past. I don't like how I've treated you before.. I'm so sorry Stu.." He told 2D and covered his face with his hands. 2D moved closer to Murdoc and gently removed Murdoc's hands from his face. "Muds can you look at me?" He asked and slowly lifted Murdoc's chin up. Murdoc looked away and Stuart started speaking. "I forgive you Murdoc. That's in the past now. Look at us now, happy with each other yeah?" Murdoc looked at 2D and nodded. Stuart pulled him in for a long hug. They hugged each other for a few minutes. Murdoc started to pull way still in Stuart's arms. "You want another strawberry muds?" He asked. "Y-yeah" Murdoc replied. (hehe photo reference, so cute. <3) Murdoc went to grab another strawberry and so did 2d. Their hands brushed against each other and they looked up at each other and laughed. They enjoyed a few more strawberries. Murdoc got up and looked at 2D. "Im tired.." 2D got up and grabbed the strawberries and followed Murdoc into the cabin. 2d put the rest of the strawberries in the fridge and went over to murdoc. "Let me carry you to our room love." He opened his arms and picked up Murdoc bridal style. Murdoc blushed and buried his head in 2D's shoulder. They got to their room and Stuart placed Murdoc gently on the bed. Murdoc turned on his side where 2D would be laying. Stuart turned on a nightlight so Murdoc wouldn't get scared and he got in bed and put the covers on him and murdoc and turned to Murdoc. "I love you Muds." He told Murdoc. "I love you too Stu." 2D kissed his forehead and they fell asleep shortly after. 

A/N: Sorry this was kind of short but short and sweet works too yeah? Thank you for a little over 50 reads! This is incredible! Have a good day/night. <3 ~A

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