47. Blind Date

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Angel didn't feel like making an effort to get dressed for the blind date so she chose the least dressy option that would still feel presentable.

She took a plain white light sweater & paired with blue jeans. To complete the look, she wore her simple light brown suede block heel boots. She kept her hair & make as plain as possible as well.

 If it was any other time, then she might have been excited over this date

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If it was any other time, then she might have been excited over this date. However, with Suga resurfacing back in her life, her mind & emotions were all over the place & going on a date with another person was the last thing she wanted or needed.

Her date was waiting for her when she reached the restaurant. He was wearing a white shirt with black pants & black tie. He must have been there for long because he had already taken off his salmon pink blazer.

 He must have been there for long because he had already taken off his salmon pink blazer

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"Hello, you must be Angel. I am Kim Seon Ho" He said with the most beautiful smile that brought out two exquisite dimples on his cheeks.

"Byeoul has spoken so much about you. She told me you were pretty, but Angel, you are gorgeous!" He said with utmost sincerity.

Angel's blind date Kim Seon Ho was everything any girl could ever want in a guy – he was good looking, funny, nice, sensitive, intelligent & to top it all, he was working as a doctor in one of the biggest hospitals in Seoul.

Why then did Angel need to force herself to smile? Why did she find her mind constantly drifting away to a certain individual? Why was she not invested in this date at all?

Any third person would have rooted for this date to succeed if they saw them sitting & having dinner. They seemed perfect for each other.

But, Angel was having the most difficult time trying to participate in the conversation, to seem interested & most of all, not to offend her blind date.

Angel almost sighed in relief when the date finally ended after about two hours. Thankfully, her date didn't seem to notice that she had been distracted the entire time & seemed to be having a good time.

"Maybe he thought I speak less & am an introvert" she thought.

"I had an amazing time tonight Angel, I have to thank Byeoul for making me you. I'd like to meet you again... can we do that Angel?" Seon Ho asked just before she got in the cab.

Angel was caught totally unawares & didn't have a good rejection answer ready.

"Ummmm... yes of course Seon Ho that would be lovely" she blurted out without thinking.

 yes of course Seon Ho that would be lovely" she blurted out without thinking

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An Angel For YoongiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora