12. Solitary Confinement

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After that, Angel personally went to give Suga all his meals & checked on him several times in a day as she was specifically assigned to making sure Suga was comfortable in the inn & had everything he needed. Every time she went, she found him either on his guitar, or writing something on his writing pad, or arranging music on his laptop... he hardly ever seemed to rest.

As for Suga, the days were passing very slowly. Of course he was getting a lot of work done, but because of his limited mobility there was not much he could do. The doctor has asked him for wait for a few more days for even taking a slow walk in the garden.

The only thing he looked forward to these days was Angel's visits to him. They didn't talk at all & it was a strictly host-guest interaction, but Suga found himself wanting to get to know Angel better. Even though he had met so many famous female idols & they were always surrounded by women in their team, Suga felt that Angel was the prettiest girl he had met.

So on the third day of his bedrest when Angel brought his evening coffee for him, he ended up surprising himself by asking "Angelssi, would you like to sit & have coffee together with me?"

Angel's head shot up to look at Suga in shock.

"I think I'm going to go crazy being alone in this room all day long... my manager also ended up being busy because of his accident... but I don't want to impose & I'll total understand if you cannot."

On one hand Angel couldn't believe that one of the biggest & most famous idols in the world was asking her to sit & have coffee with him... on the other hand, she kind of felt sad for him because it was a very lonely situation for him & she completely understood his need for human company.

"Forget I said anything... I'm sorry to put you in an uncomfortable situation..." Suga said looking at Angel who seemed to be pondering on how to give him an answer.

Angel quickly arrested her train of thought & realized that she hadn't given him an answer.

"I'd love to give you company Sugassi" Angel said with a big smile & Suga silently let out a sigh of relief.

An Angel For YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now