36. Hard To Let Go

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"I've got breakfast" Suga said sitting on the small sofa in the room.

"Just give me a minute" Angel quickly rushed to the bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face & comb her hair.

Suga was sitting on a small sofa by the window when she came out of the bathroom.

"Why are you here Suga?" Angel asked.

"I'm sorry about how things turned out last night Angel." Suga said in a soft tone.

"Don't worry about it Suga... did you have a good night with Min Ahssi?" Angel regretted bringing up Min Ah's name as soon as she said it. She hoped it didn't sound like she was taunting him.

"I asked her to leave as soon as you left." Suga said.

"Oh..." Angel muttered.

"Here have some coffee. I've got your favorite, flat white with skim milk & no sugar for you." Suga said passing a hot cup of coffee to Angel.

"Why are you here Suga?" Angel asked because this was not making sense... why was he here? She was leaving today & after what happened last night, she had pretty much decided that they would not be any more meetings.

Suga looked at her with a deep look in his eyes.

"I want to spend more time with you Angel... I want to get to know you better."

"And then what Suga... where will this go?"

Angel's question stumped Suga.

He had not been able to sleep the entire night & had rushed to Angel's hotel first thing in the morning. He had not thought about anything, he was just working on instinct. Where was this going? Future? He had not thought about those things nor had planned answers for such questions.

"I don't know Angel... I've not thought about that... I just feel like spending more & more time with you..." Suga answered honestly.

"I also love spending time with you Suga... but after last night, I realized that we cannot just go with the flow... We come from completely different worlds & are at different stages in our lives... let's just say our goodbyes right here... I'll always cherish our time together." Angel said. These were the things she had thought about last night.

Yes, Suga was amazing. Yes, he was hot & cute at the same time. Yes, he was thoughtful & caring. And finally, yes, she did feel at home when she was with him. But could they dare to start a relationship at this point of time? No.

"No Angel, I don't want to say goodbye." Suga said, with determination on his face.

"Suga... how will this work? How will we meet? I don't live here. Do you have time to think about anything else other than work? Will your company & band-mates accept this new development? Are idols even allowed to date?" Angel asked... although her questions were harsh, her voice was soft... almost a whisper.

Suga heard the questions & of course the answer to all of those questions were a resounding NO.

He didn't have time to think about anything else other than his work. He didn't have time to actually meet Angel, especially because they lived in different places. He was not sure how his company would react if he told them he was in a serious romantic relationship. The dating life of idols was not something that was widely accepted by the public & him being in the biggest band in the world didn't help either. So much was riding on BTS's success & popularity... the seven band members couldn't afford to put one wrong step forward, even by mistake.

"I don't know what to say Angel..." Suga said scratching his head.

"You don't need to say anything Suga. I just wish we had met each other at a different time, maybe even in an alternate universe."

Suga was completely torn about what was going on – On the one hand, his heart was telling him to just be with Angel. But on the other hand, his mind was telling him that his priorities were completely different & he couldn't do justice to any relationship right now.

He met & interacted with young & beautiful girls all the time, but no one had made him want to get to know them more. No one had piqued his interest beyond the sex & hook up stage. No one had made him emotionally vulnerable to the point that he was ready to show them his emotionally weak side.

Except for Angel.

Just the fact that he had come to her hotel room, uninvited, at 8 am in the morning was proof enough that Angel was already more special to him than anyone he had hooked up with.

But he was at a loss for words right now.

"What time is your flight?" was all he could ask.

"1 pm" Angel replied.

Both of them sat in silence sipping their coffee for some time.

"I need to start packing..." Angel said after a few minutes of awkward silence.

"Hmmmm" Suga was looking down at his coffee, not at Angel. "I'll send my car to take you to the airport... my driver will be waiting at the reception for you."

"I can take a cab Suga."

"Absolutely not. He'll be waiting down."

Both their hearts were aching because they didn't want to say goodbye to each other. However, there didn't seem any other way at the moment.

(Don't worry guys, it's not all bad... some hot & happy moments in the next chapter!)

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