40. The Last Three Years For Angel

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Three years ago, Angel's world had irreversibly changed yet again.

Her sister, who had been her support & crutch had gone to study, & now it was only Angel in the house. All alone, for the first time in her life.

For some time, her heart had found love, warmth, affection, friendship, solace & comfort in Suga. But it had been short-lived & it could not continue.

After she came back from Seoul, Angel immersed herself in work at the inn hardly taking time out for herself. It was her way of coping & it was working well.

However, after a year of living on her own, Byeoul started insisting that Angel move to Seoul to be closer to her.

"We can meet on weekends sis, I'll come to your place & stay there every weekend. Please look for a job in Seoul, you'll get a job anywhere with your experience!" Byeoul would say on every single call she made to Angel.

After a lot of insistence by Byeoul, Angel finally gave in & found herself a job in one of the most luxurious five-star hotels in Seoul.

She left Jeju behind & moved to Seoul & was actually happy that she did. Byeoul did come to her apartment every weekend & the sisters got to spend a lot of time together after this move.

An Angel For YoongiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora