21. The Drive Back

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Suga had told his manager that he would call him to tell him when to send the cab for him but Angel also wanted to get some fresh air so she said she'd drive him back.

While on the way back to the inn, they were passing by a beautiful stretch of beach that looked absolutely breathtaking in the moonlit night.

In a moment of spontaneity, Suga asked "Angelssi, I know its late... but can we stop the car for a few minutes & just walk on the beach for some time?"

Angel was taken aback, but since the night was so beautiful, she really didn't mind. "Ok Sugassi" she said with a small smile.

They walked on the beach in comfortable silence taking in the beauty of the sea as the soft moon rays hit each & every wave. The serenity & peace of the moment was heavenly & both of them felt all their concerns & stress just fade away.

 In between every few steps Suga would sneak a glance at Angel & every time he was taken aback by her innocent & ethereal beauty

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In between every few steps Suga would sneak a glance at Angel & every time he was taken aback by her innocent & ethereal beauty. Suddenly he had a strong urge to take her in to his arms & kiss her. "Control yourself Suga... igeon aniya" he chided himself.

Angel on the other hand was lowkey regretting her decision to come to the beach with Suga. She was increasingly becoming aware of his proximity & the fact that their hands had brushed against each other a couple of times in the walk was only making her more & more anxious. The night was beautiful & there was no one around for miles... it almost felt like they were the only people on the planet.

The setting was so romantic, that Angel found herself wondering how it would be if Suga had been a normal guy & not one of the biggest idols in the world. He was hot, but at the same time he was cute as well. He had intelligence & wisdom that was beyond his years. He was down-to-earth & not pretentious at all. He was ambitious & hardworking.

And his hands... Suga's white, veiny, manly & perfect hands had aroused a hand fetish in Angel that she never knew she had!

 Suga's white, veiny, manly & perfect hands had aroused a hand fetish in Angel that she never knew she had!

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"Aaaaah, if only..." she thought as they continued to walk in relaxed silence. She would definitely not have restrained her thoughts & feelings if Suga had not been so... unreachable.

After about fifteen minutes of silently walking on the beach Angel thought they should head back to the inn & turned around to tell Suga that they should be back now.

However, what she didn't realize was that Suga was directly behind her & suddenly she was standing face-to-face with him.

They were so close that their chests were almost touching each other. Angel's heart rate suddenly shot up & her face started blushing frantically. She looked up & was met with Suga's eyes that were staring at her face with the deepest look. Neither he moved nor she for what seemed like the longest time. In fact, their bodies seem to be getting pulled closer & closer as if by some magnetic force.

However, when Suga gaze shifted down to her lips Angel suddenly came out of this daze & she jumped back giving more space between their bodies.

   However, when Suga gaze shifted down to her lips Angel suddenly came out of this daze & she jumped back giving more space between their bodies

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"Uh... I think we should be heading back... it's late" she said with a shaky voice not being able to meet Suga's eyes.

Suga on the other hand felt the biggest sense of regret when Angel stepped back. As soon as Angel had turned to face him, all thoughts had left his mind. His heart had started thumping in his chest & all he had wanted to do was take her in to his warm embrace & put his lips on hers.

He had been controlling his words & actions with Angel because there was no way that he could be in a relationship at this point of time. As an idol, there was no way that he could think of having a love relationship.

Nevertheless, at that moment, he had been ready to risk it all.

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