29. The Best Wingman... Is a Woman

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After relishing the expensive meal it was soon time to say goodbye.

"Byeoul, I want you to call me any time you need any help ok. I'll make sure you get help even if I'm not here in Seoul." Suga told Byeoul as they left the restaurant. He actually enjoyed Byeoul's company & her carefree & bubbly nature. It had just been two meetings but he had grown quite fond of the little one.

Just then Byeoul got a call & went to a corner to take it leaving Suga & Angel alone near the restaurant's main door.

"Angelssi, how long are you in Seoul?"

"I'm leaving day after tomorrow Sugassi."

"Can we meet tomorrow for dinner again?" the words blurted out of Suga's mouth.

Angel looked up at Suga but before she could answer Byeoul came back.

"Unnie.... That was a call from my hostel... they want all the students to join the hostel from tomorrow evening instead of day after... they're having some sort of welcome party it seems." Byeoul said sounding sad & anxious.

They had planned their trip in a way that Byeoul would have two nights with Angel... it was heartbreaking that this sudden change of events would cut it in to just one night.

"But I won't go tomorrow unnie, I'll join hostel day after as we had planned."

Angel's heart broke, but she put up a bright smile & said "What nonsense! Byeoul you have to attend the welcome party tomorrow... don't worry about me. I will not let you miss the first day of your hostel life."

"Unnie..." Byeoul said & pulled Angel into a tight hug that went on for several seconds.

Tears were beginning to blur Angel's vision so she closed her eyes to make sure they would not spill over.

Suga had stepped back to give the sisters their space but he heard everything. His heart sank for Angel & he couldn't imagine how she must be feeling now.

"Don't worry Byeoul I was planning to meet you guys tomorrow again for dinner... I'll make sure Angelssi is not alone tomorrow evening moping around in the hotel. I'll take her out... is that fine?" He asked facing Byeoul.

"Oh my God yes! You are the best Suga Oppa! Unnie please don't say no. I don't want you to be alone in Seoul tomorrow evening... I'll feel like shit for ditching you... please say yes!" Byeoul practically begged Angel.

"Byeoul... can we talk about this later?" Angel said wishing Byeoul would stop.

"Please unnie, Suga oppa is being so nice to us... please unnie, say yes so that I can check in to my hostel with peace of mind."

Yet again Byeoul had put Angel in a difficult position with Suga.

Yet again Suga was jumping in joy & thanking the heavens that Angel had a sister like Byeoul. Although unintentionally, she was turning out to be the best wingwoman one could ever have!

 Although unintentionally, she was turning out to be the best wingwoman one could ever have!

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"Okay... ok fine Sugassi.. please send me the details & I'll see you tomorrow evening."


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