14. Disruption

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On the seventh day of his solo bedrest stay Suga finally got a green signal from his doctor to take a slow stroll in the garden with the support of a pair crutches that were given to him. With the help of his manager Suga headed towards the inn garden when he heard some commotion & shouting.

"Oh c'mon Angel, what do you mean you can't come with me? Don't do this now. I've taken a break from everything & have come to meet you... just take the next few days off!" Suga heard a male voice shout.

"I'm sorry Bo Hyunssi, I didn't even know you were coming... I can't leave work... I'm sorry."

Was that Angel's voice that Suga heard? He around the wall to see who were having this discussion & to his surprise it was Angel, & she was talking to a man who was talking to her in an aggressive manner

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Was that Angel's voice that Suga heard? He around the wall to see who were having this discussion & to his surprise it was Angel, & she was talking to a man who was talking to her in an aggressive manner.

"Don't do this babygirl. You know how many meetings I've cancelled to come here?"

"Please call me Angel Bo Hyunssi... I'm at work, can we please talk later?" Angel's voice was sounding shaky now.

"I'm going to talk to your manager, I'll make him give you an off day... it's okay babygirl, don't worry about work, your manager will not be able to say no to me" the male said in an arrogant manner & started walking towards Angel to grab her wrist.

Suga had had enough of this nonsense. He couldn't take it anymore so at that same moment he walked out of the shadow & called out Angel's name loudly.

"Angellssi! Oh you're here... I needed help with something in the room... could you please come with me?"

While the man was taken aback by Suga's sudden appearance, Angel's heart skipped a beat.

Suga appearing out of the blue, at this time & clearly trying to get her out of this sticky situation was just... hot. "Oh my God, stop your thoughts Angel" she mentally chided herself.

She gave Suga a grateful look said "Oh, I'm sorry about that Sugassi, yes of course, let's go."

She walked off with Suga as fast as she could to avoid any more confrontation.

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