34. Not Today

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"I think I better leave Suga... I have a long day tomorrow... with travel & all."

Angel felt the need to leave that place with a sudden urgency. She felt as if she was pretending to play Cinderella & the twelve-o-clock bell had rung. She picked up her bag & was ready to leave.

"Angel..." Suga said helplessly looking at her.

"Thank you so much for the lovely dinner Suga. I'll see myself out. I'll be off now Min Ahssi, have a good night."

Suga cursed his luck, but at the same time he could understand why Angel wanted to leave as well.

"I'll see you till down, let my car drop you back." Suga said & called his driver to the main exit.

They reached the exit in silence, both not knowing what to say to each other.

When he saw his car in sight, he tried to initiate a conversation "Angel, I'm sorry, I didn't..."

"No problem Suga" Angel cut him. "I have a long journey back tomorrow anyways. Thank you so much for the dinner, I really enjoyed your cooking." Angel rattled off without breathing & without meeting Suga's eyes.

She jumped inside the car when it stopped in front of them because she was embarrassed by her own actions & wanted this awkwardness to be over like right now.

An Angel For YoongiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant