20. Dinner Time!

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Suga slowly limped up to Angel's house door & rang the bell. But he was not prepared to see Angel looking so beautiful when she opened the door.

He had only seen her in her uniform of white shirt & black pant every day & she usually tied her hair in a simple ponytail. So when she opened the door wearing a beige dress with colourful flowers on it, his heart literally skipped a beat. She looked ethereal in his eyes & he caught himself staring at her.

"Sugassi! Please come in" his trance was broken when Byeoul ran to the door from inside welcoming him into the house.

Suga limped in to see a small but cute house that was decorated with cute knick-knacks. It was homely & had a warm vibe to it. He was greeted with the aroma of homecooked food wafting from the small kitchen area & his stomach immediately started gurgling.

He then gave her the gifts he had bought for her. Byeoul let out a loud whistle while Angel was stunned to see so many gift bags, no one had given her so many gifts on her birthday... or ever.

"I cannot accept this Sugassi! Please, this is too much" Angel said, her face slowly turning red.

"Aniyo aniyo, its nothing, I couldn't decide what to get for you so because of that just got a few things" Suga answered nonchalantly.

"Please Sugassi, this is too much... I simple couldn't accept this" Angel insisted.

Suga looked at Angel with a deep stare "Angelssi, I have received so much help & support from you for so many days now... this is literally the least I could have done."

Angel didn't know what to do about the whole gift thing while Suga moved on to continue his conversation with Byeoul.

After some chit-chat, they sat down to have a lavish dinner of rolled omelet, salted pollock roe, seaweed soup, japchae, glazed sweet potatoes, kimchi, lots of meat & rice. The food cooked by Angel was truly delicious & Suga ended up eating like a person who had been starving for days.

The conversation flowed easily & there was no awkwardness, largely due to Suga being such a regular person & due to Byeoul being her usual carefree chatterbox

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The conversation flowed easily & there was no awkwardness, largely due to Suga being such a regular person & due to Byeoul being her usual carefree chatterbox.

However, Suga found himself staring at Angel every now & then... he just couldn't help but look at her direction. It was as if his eyes just wanted to turn towards Angel & stay on her permanently.

Don't stare Suga. Be chill Suga he told himself countless times hoping no one else noticed him looking at Angel ever so often.

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