Ok Yolanda, it's now or never. Run to the door or crawl? What if it's locked? What if I don't make it in time?

"12... 11... 10...9... 8... 7....6...." my heart felt like it could explode out of my chest any moment.

I inhaled several times and fixed my gaze on the exit.

You can do this.

I stood up and sprinted towards freedom, not daring to look back. As I ran I heard him count down to the last few numbers.

I grabbed the door knob, rotating it.


I pulled the door open with a smile, the chilly breeze slapping my face. I was about to run off again when a hand gripped my hair and yanked me back inside the cellar.

I screamed in pain and terror as I struggled against him. His grip on my hair only worsened making me cry in agony.

The pain was as if the very strands of my hair were being forcefully extracted out of my head.

He pulled me into him, his hands quickly securing mine.

"One" he whispered into my ear, making me shudder in response. Then without warning, a sharp prick was felt on my arm. I winced at the feeling.

My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets when I saw him throw a syringe on the floor.

No... he.. he drugged me?

"Shh... calm down. You can relax now" he gently caressed my hair as I suddenly felt weary.

Don't let him Yolanda! Fight it! Come on!

My mind kept pushing me to move but it felt impossible. I knew I could muster up the strength but I need him to loosen his grip on me. Whatever he injected in me was quite effective but I hope I'm able to restrain it enough.

"You're mine" his warm breath tickled my cold neck as he loosened his grip on me. 

Gathering up the strength and resisting the strong urge to sleep, I took the opportunity and spun around to face him. This took him by surprise as I felt him tense but before he could react I swiftly kneed him in the groin.

He fell to the ground in a pile, holding his attacked area. Without a second to loose, I sprinted outside.

I gritted my teeth as sharp pebbles pierced my feet as I continued running forward in the downpour. I don't know where I'm going. I just need to get away from the cellar as far as I can. I halted at the entrance of the lush oak wood forest.

Think Yolanda. Think!

There's a shorter distance to cover towards the north than from the east to west. A fifteen minute walk, towards the north, will get you out of the forest and out into an open field. A little further from the field is a graceful stream. West will lead to a dead end, the fence. East will take me deeper into the forest, the part I haven't fully explored.

I spun around in terror as I saw him exit the cellar, charging towards me. I don't if it's the drugs or because of the fear but I sprinted towards the east. Towards the unknown.

My body felt as if it could collapse any moment. It was difficult to run, scratch that, it was difficult to move since the ground was muddy and squishy and as an added bonus, the drug was now overpowering my .

I fell to the ground, my eyes threatening to shut.

What was in that syringe?

Despite the desperate cries from my body to shut down, I willed myself to get up and stagger onward. I honestly didn't know where he was, and I just prayed that he wasn't anywhere near me.

I braced myself against a tree and saw the gentle slope that's descends down to a murky pond.

My dress was a complete mess. Drenched with rain, torn in various parts and painted with mud and leaves. 

"WHERE ARE YOU!!??" I heard him shout making me gasp and stagger backwards.

Before I could stable myself, I slipped and rolled down the slope, falling with a splash into the shallow, muddy pool.

I winced at the few branches that had scratched and dug into my skin.

All the strength that once was had vanished, leaving me paralysed in the filthy pond.
Droplets of water kept tickling my face, as my breathing had somewhat calmed.

What if he finds me?

That question made me shed a tear in helplessness. No one will find me. He won. I couldn't defend myself. Desperate for a mere glimmer of hope, I let my eyes flutter shut, the drug taking full effect in my system.

I squinted my eyes at the bright light that flashed before me as I took embrace of slumber and let the fatigue consume me.


Hello Hello🙄

Now how was this chapter?? 😏
What in the world happened to Yolanda!!? Sorry I left you all in suspense... again. Actually scratch that, I'm not sorry 😁
Any suggestions as to who might our UNKNOWN be?? You can always private message me😉

If you liked this chapter, then do consider voting and commenting. If you didn't, then thank you for reading my crappy anyways😃
Thank you for all your support. Love you all. Take care and God bless 🙃🙃

Until the next chapter..........

Peace ✌✌😎

You Are MineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora