
"Hmm bellina? What is it?" She said softly, staring down at me with gentle, loving eyes.

"I'm so ready for more of you," I told her, unable to hold back any longer.

"Me too bella," she blushed.

"Soon," she added, closing the gap between our lips again.

"We should get back out there," I pointed out.

"We've left Mali alone,"

"Get dressed bellina, I'll go check on her," Stefania said, turning and leaving me to change.

I rested my hand on my chest, feeling my increased heart rate. With every breath, the feelings I had for Stefania grew stronger, I was falling and falling hard.

I knew it wouldn't be long before I told her I loved her. I felt it and knew it was real.

I found everyone outside in my back garden, all sat around and talking. Well, Maddie, Dani and Stefania were all talking, Amalia listened, quietly taking everything in. She was sat beside Stefania, leaning against her and playing with the bracelet around Stefania's wrist.

Her shoulders were hunched, showing me how tense she was. I sat down opposite them, watching Amalia carefully as her eyes were unable to focus and I could see her holding all her breath in her chest.

"Have you heard anything about going back on set?" Maddie asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"No, nothing yet," I smiled sadly, wanting everything to be back to normal.

"Mali sweetheart come here. Stefania's had you all morning, it's my turn," I chuckled, patting the space beside me.

She came over and instantly fell into my open arms, allowing me to pull her into my side. I kissed the top of her head as she lay it down on my shoulder.

She rested her arm over my stomach, discreetly playing with the material of my shirt. I'd explained more of our situation to Maddie and Dani earlier so they knew not to ask certain questions but Maddie caught my eye and gestured to Mali in my arms. She smiled at me and nodded, her way of letting me know I was doing the right thing.

I knew I still had to tell my family, mainly my mom and sister but I had to speak to Amalia about that first.

I felt her move a little, settling herself back down with her head now on my chest.

"Are you alright my sunshine?" I asked quietly.

She nodded against my boob, letting go of my shirt to play with my hand.

Dani and Maddie stayed chatting for another half and hour before leaving.

"Mali sweetheart?" I called when I closed the door behind my friends.

She came in from the garden to join me. 

"Why don't you go try and nap for an hour. Try to catch up on some sleep?" I suggested.

She bit down on her lip nervously, staring down at her hands.

"Y-yeah maybe," she stuttered.

"Mali?" I said, smiling softly.

She glanced up at me.

"I can help you, I know you're scared of asking," I told her gently.

"Okay," she nodded shyly.

"Come on baby," I said, holding out my hand for her.

I led her through to her bedroom and closed the curtains, blocking out some of the afternoon light.

She stood in the middle of the room, anxiously staring at the bed.

"You're alright sunshine. You're safe," I told her, climbing onto the bed myself.

She joined me and I covered the two of us with the blanket from the end of the bed. She sat up straight, unable to let herself lay down.

"Let me help you Mali," I repeated, gently guiding her down to lay on me.

"D-Danielle," she nervously stuttered.

"Shhh I'm here baby girl," I soothed, holding her head down to me.

"I'm so proud you my sunshine,"

"Try to close those eyes beautiful, try to relax," I said calmly, running my fingers up and down her arm.

"Let yourself relax Mali, let yourself go into that dreamworld and rest. I'm not going anywhere gorgeous girl, I've got you,"

I watched as her eyes slowly began to close.

"That's it baby girl, close those eyes," I whispered, smiling as her fingers closed around the material of my shirt again.

"Sweet dreams sweetheart," I said, kissing her head softly.

I held her close and pulled the blanket up a little higher, ensuring she was all tucked in.
I watched happily as her breathing became deeper and evened out. I lay with her for another ten minutes before carefully unwrapping myself from her.

I closed her bedroom door and left her to sleep before finding Stefania looking awfully suspicious on her laptop.

"What are you up to?" I smirked, watching her close it when she saw me staring.

"Nothing," she said, her cheeks going redder.

"Tell me," I pouted.

"It's a surprise bellina. Well, it's a big surprise actually so I hope you're alright with it. It was Amalia who gave me the idea. I was going to ask but I thought it could be a surprise for you too," she said quickly, getting herself all worked up and nervous.

"Hey my love, if it's a surprise from you then I'm sure I'll love it," I assured her, bending down to kiss her, preventing her from explaining any further.

"But if you wanted to tell me what it was, I would mind?" I played.

"Bellina no!" She laughed.

"It's a surprise," she added, throwing a cushion at me.

"Okay okay, it's a surprise," I said, holding my hands up defensively.

Authors note-

Happy Sunday!

Hope you've all had a lovely weekend. 💕

Predictions for the surprise?????

How should Danielle tell her family???

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