He Left Me? AGAIN?

Start from the beginning

Whereas, Nakul hated WOMEN!
He had trouble women touching him!

He never could stand The soft side of women. For him, they all were gold diggers.

In medical terms, he was suffering from, Misogyny, which means pure hatred for women.!
Growing up, he did take medical help but he knew he could never overcome the trauma, the fear, the anxiety, but he put up a brave face by controlling them.
And this is what he was doing with Bela.

They Both have this phobia of intimate Touch and Affection!

And they both had their own defence mechanism to deal with opposite gender.!

That's why, Nakul always had hookers. He just banged them, no touch, no cuddles!
His mechanism was twisted he could touch but if Touched by someone close to him, it triggered his past, he gets panick attacks!

He becomes violent!

Whereas, Bela on the other hand, maintained a fair distance with men, she never let them come near her and if triggered by their presence, she becomes Numb, paralysed. She thinks that by closing her eyes and cowering away, she would be away from her fears but alas, she was wrong!

They both were!

If only they talked and helped each other to over come their respective Insecurities and Fears!

But today was completely Different!

Nakul woke up to a light snoring sound of his wife, Bela who he had held like his favourite toy. His arms protectively around her tiny waist and his heavy thick legs locking her body in his giant body.

Not once, he had held a woman like this after he was intimate with them!

But Bela was changing him!

Yesterday, she had challenged him to reveal about his Past and for the time being, he had dodged her questions!

But deep down, he knew this could not go on like this forever!

But was he ready to reveal his secrets?

The continuous ring of his mobile brought him out of trans and he cursed colorfully as Bela stirred in her sleep.

He gently placed her head back on the pillow and covered her in the silk blanket, and then scooped out of the bed, walking in his naked glory and whispered yelled -

This better be something Important!

Sir... You need to immediately attend the Israel team!
They are getting out of patience!
They are not listening to us anymore and Ishaan Sir clearly is not interested!
We tried calling him but he is unavailable like last week! - it was his PA

That Fucker! - cursed Nakul

Prepare my Jet, I will be leaving for Israel in an hour!
And, send someone to drag that Ishaan Malhotra from his pothole!
It's high time he came back to his senses! - he commanded

Walking back, He looked at Bela and sighed, he knew she would be utterly disappointed when she finds out that he was gone after what happened between them last night, but Business was important too!

He knew the value of money and power!

Besides, someone has to be the responsible one!

And it had always been him anyway!

He could not throw tantrums like Ishaan!

Caressing her soft cheeks, Nakul whispered -

I will be back Soon Bela!
Don't give up on me!

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