30 ways to annoy your teacher 2

185 12 10

My shout outs are for KenHonrek, AleciaVervoort, colester88, beebelseg and FreeFireMc,

1. Scream for no apparent reason.

2. Keep raising your hand to answer questions but say the obviously wrong answer.

3. Ask stupid questions.

4. Talk with the wall

5. Do weird faces to the air or rest at a mutation state 

6.Have a pencil throwing fight with your friends in the back of class.


8.Look down at your desk and when she asks you a qustion say i dont know and when she asks why say I dont know!

9. Jump up and down squealing 

10. Put ur music on in the middle of a lesson and get everyone to dance 

11. Keep telling the reacher "aww, i should have changed my schedule when i had the chance!" 

12. Mess up all your desk by putting paper all over it.

13. Go to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

14. When your late don't bring in a note.

15. Talk as loud as you can.

16. Never write your name on your work.

17. When a teacher tells you to do something say would you like some fries with that?

18. Claim you see ghost.

19.When the teacher leaves the classroom sing as load as you can and create a dance party.

20. Every day of the school year tell the teacher happy birthday.

21. Fake cry randomly.

22. Get a tissue and blow your nose in it and ask the teacher if you want her to see your boogey.

23. Circle around the teacher.

24. Ask the teacher what songs she dislikes the most. Ask her can she sing that song because you dont remember it.

25. Claim that there are more ghosts.

26. Trip randomly.

27. Pass notes.

28. Chew gum and stick it to your work.

29. Claim its to cold so put on your coat.

30. During class listen to music.

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