Funny conversations 2

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My shout outs are for WolfGoddess101, doesthisevenwork, lion333444, mintzy101 and Nanoo_15. Please comment down below the word shout out.

"Excuse me, but I do think it is time we met" will put a smile on most peoples faces without sounding too intimidating.


2. Share something funny that happened to you, especially if it was the same day. You will sound modest and that is quite an attractive quality.

Old person

3. "What kind of old person do you want to be?" intrigues people. Everyone hopes to get old and so they will have an opinion. Also, though, it will make people smile because you are taking old age as something positive - an unusual twist on any everyday topic will make people interested.

Little trip

4. You could share a fun story about your children. They is a rich harvest for fun stories - and cute too! You could then ask something like 'what is the weirdest thing you brought home when you were a child?" Take a little trip down memory lane with the person you are talking to.

Added benefit

5. How about asking - 'what is the best question in the world?' You are going for the element of surprise and this one has the added benefit that it sounds like you are interested in getting to know the other person.


6. If you are at a party, try bringing a funny card for the host and get everyone to sign it. What to write and what others have written will give you a wealth of funny conversation openers.


7. Ask someone about their worst holiday to introduce talking about one of your recent vacation mishaps. These can be really funny conversation starters, get people laughing and will not cause tension. In addition to this, everyone will start providing their worst vacation stories and everyone will be laughing over the unfortunate events.

Younger generation

8. This one might work best for the younger generation - to whom all things gross seem hilarious - but try asking about the worst meal the person has ever eaten or seen someone eat. It always seems to get people talking and makes them laugh. You will also bring in most women who are pregnant or who have ever been pregnant and had cravings. Perhaps skip this one over dinner, though!

Touch of humor

9. Ask people about their pet peeves. People are always happy to talk about these. Done in the right way with a touch of humor, you will not come across as a moaner, but as someone with a keen sense of humor.


10. The tenth? ...The tenth is up to you! I told you the element of surprise was important in humor. Seriously, you have learned a few things here about how to use humor in your conversations.

ABC Customer Support

Woman: Hello sir, I am speaking from ABC Customer Support, how can I help you.

Man: I am getting messages from an unwanted number, I want to know if there is a way to stop this.

Woman: Sir, do you know the mobile number from which you are receiving messages?

Man: :-\ Of course.

I was thinking he would ask the number and add it to a list on the server or something.

Woman: So sir why don't you ask that person to stop messaging you.

Man: *facepalm* I did that. It didn't work.

Woman: Sir which phone are you using.

Man: Company Y model Z.

Then he went on to explain me a solution. I thought I would finally have the problem solved as he sounded very hopeful.

Woman: So sir, you can do this. When you receive messages from now on, don't delete them.

Man: Alright...

Maybe he wants me to show those messages to police or something.

Woman: Then sir, after a time your phone's message memory would be full. After that point you won't receive those unwanted messages.

I said nothing. Till date I couldn't figure out if the guy was trolling me or was he really that smart.

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