Would you rather 2

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My shout outs are for @livilovilolipop12, KaysLover, k_madam, @blueeyedhunny and Pompadora. Please go and check out their books. If you would like a shout out comment down below the word shout out. Also a shout out for RandomPhandom838 as randomphandoms books are amazing!

Would you rather

Give up salt


Give up sugar

Would you rather

Lick butter from in betweens someones toes once a day for a week


To lick the floor once a day for a month

Would you rather

Have crisps for fingers for the rest of your life


Have popcorn stuck in between your teeth for the rest of your life

Would you rather

Use sandpaper as toilet paper


Hot sauce as eye drops

Would you rather

Never again have Internet access


Have someone you hate within 1 metre away from you forever

Would you rather

Poo bricks


Throw up slugs

Would you rather

Have a permanent clown face


Permanent clown clothes

Would you rather

Have legs as long as your fingers


Fingers as long as your legs

Would you rather

Have to swim everywhere


Have to listen to one song 12 hours a day everyay

Would you rather

Go around with a visible bogey in your nose for all of your life


Have a massive hairy mole covering your face for the rest of your life

Would you rather

Change gender every time you sneeze


Not be able to tell the difference between home and school

Would you rather

Have to stay at school for 16 hours a day


Never have wifi again

Thank you for reading please vote and comment your feedback.

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