Chapter 158: Pizza, pasta, put it in a box~

Comincia dall'inizio

Luffy: So you lied...

Prisoners: No... We were just overjoyed for a second !! It's not a chance at all !! This floor's boss... As long as he's around, it's safer inside the cage... !

Buggy: ... A... All right ! Guys !! I'll tell you how to get to level 3 !

"... let me test something real quick..."

Buggy: Test wha-


Buggy: ... Abagha...

"So blunt hits do work... And red nose head's all empty too."


???: If you're having trouble on this floor, how about I lend you a hand ?

Luffy: Hm ? Who're you ?

3: Fuhahahaha... It's been a while, you guys ! Strangely enough, I'm free thanks to you... And I'm a man who repays his debts.

Luffy: ... Who're you ?

 Luffy: Ah ! A 3 ! So you're

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Luffy: Ah ! A 3 ! So you're... You're... You were there on that island with the giants guys... !! San !!

3: It's Mr.Three !!

 ???: Haa

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???: Haa... Haa... Nobody... IS TRYING TO ESCAPE !!


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Pirate Time ! (One Piece X Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora