"I remember when you said Younghoon and I were cheesy, but look at you being all lovey dovey," Sowon snickered. "I'll call you or Chanmi later then. Have fun ronald mcdonald!" She said before hanging the phone up. Hyunjae scoffed and finished making the porridge.


After eating, Chanmi and Hyunjae were on the couch. She was sitting on his lap while he had his arm embracing her waist. Her arm was around his neck. "I'm bored," Chanmi whined.

"Me too, let's kiss," Hyunjae suggested and puckered up his lips. Chanmi chuckled and shoved her pinky into his mouth. Hyunjae immediately spit it out.

"Why is it salty-"

"I was cleaning my earwax just earlier, guess I forgot to wash my hands," Chanmi laughed evily. Hyunjae wiped his lips and pouted.

"You're nasty. I can't believe I'm dating you," Hyunjae sulked. Chanmi chuckled before pecking his lips gently.

"I'm sorry," Chanmi laughed and pecked his lips again. "How many kisses to say sorry?" She asked. Hyunjae looked away and put five fingers up. "Man you're asking for too much."

Hyunjae's eyes widened. "Too much?!" He shouted. "This is why we're breaking up!" Chanmi laughed and held his hand.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I'll give your five kisses," She said before kissing him five more times. Hyunjae smiled and pecked her nose. They both chuckled.

"Thank you for choosing me," Hyunjae whispered. Flustered, Chanmi pinched his cheek.

"Who wouldn't choose you?" Chanmi complimented.

"Sowon," Hyunjae quickly responded. Chanmi held in her laugh and pressed her lips.

"Is that your villain backstory?" Chanmi asked with a chuckle as she t Hyunjae nodded.

"But you're the reason why I'm the hero of the story, not the villain," Hyunjae flirted. Chanmi smiled and held his face by his cheeks. His heart beated quicker as he stared into her sparkling eyes.

"Do you like me that much?" Chanmi teased and pinched his cheeks. Hyunjae snickered. "As if," He joked. Chanmi laughed and hugged him.

"I love you a—a lot!" Chanmi exclaimed. Both their hearts beated in sync. They finally figured it was definitely going to last, no matter what happened.


Garyeong handed multiple cards with information on them to Juyeon. "Her address, her favorite foods, her favorite anime character, her favorite kdrama character, her favorite cdrama character-"

Juyeon, flustered by the sudden flow of things, cut her off, "What is this?"

"Our bet," Garyeong responded. She sighed. It's always been a bet. "I'm telling you her favorite things and all so you can get with her."

"Garyeong," Juyeon sighed. "Why are you doing all this after what happened yesterday?"

"Because you won the bet?" Garyeong responded, confused. "You're the one who started this so why are you questioning it?"

Juyeon sighed again,"Garyeong-"

"Don't sigh too much, sighing makes you old, Chanmi doesn't like old men," Garyeong said as she looked over stuff she had. "Oh this is also Chanmi's favorite dessert-"

Juyeon put his palm up, signaling her to stop. Garyeong tilted her head and slapped his hand away. "Why are you acting like nothing happened yesterday, Garyeong?" Juyeon questioned.

Garyeong bitterly yet coldly responded, "Because nothing did."

"We literally kissed Garyeong-"

"Kisses mean nothing to a playboy like you anyway," Garyeong assumed. She looked down and back up to Juyeon. She smiled. "If you have any questions, contact me. If not, then don't contact me I'm a busy woman." Garyeong politely bowed.

Juyeon shouted a hey at Garyeong, but she refused to turn around and speak to him. She ignored him as she put in her earbuds, trying to forget everything related to him.

words: 973edited: im sorry no im tiredpublish date: AUGUST NINTH OMG  AHHHHH

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words: 973
edited: im sorry no im tired

i've been tired these past few days, no motivation to write but..


so i wrote a chapter for u guys or whatever 🙄 /lh I LOVE DEOBIS AND THE BOYZ

p.s: if /lh doesnt mean light hearted im sorry i forgot which one it was

anyways, stream thrill ride babes!



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