Chapter 77 - Lance - Four Days Ago

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"He killed my fate, and then he killed my father, and he kidnapped and tortured my sister-"

"Technically she gave herself up, he didn't kidnap her," she corrects.

"That's beside the point. I have far more than just the right to kill him."

"You have a right to your anger, but answer me this Lance. If you kill him, what does it do? You won't get the other half of your soul back, your father won't rise from the grave, and your sister won't magically get her memories back and unlive the torture she went through the moment his life leaves his lungs. You gain nothing from his death."

"I gain justice and satisfaction," I pout, moving on to another stretch that has my thighs tightening.

"We're not heroes who give justice, nor is the satisfaction a good enough reason for murder."

"He took half of my family, it only seems fair I take his life in return, seeing as he's an orphan."

"So you admit that if he had parents and a sister of his own, you'd kill them in cold blood - even if they are innocents and had nothing to do with his actions?"

I open my mouth but can't argue. I set myself up for that one, and she took the chance to once again knock me on my ass. She knows I live by my father's code to never kill an innocent, and it's cruel but tactical for her to use it against me to make her point and squash mine.

"I'm not defending him - heathens I want to gut him - but I'm simply showing you that your motives are petty and you have no clue as to what his side of the story is."

"First off, I'm not petty-"

"Said every petty person ever."

I throw my middle finger over my shoulder to Mak before continuing. "Secondly, I don't care about his side of the story because his side still ends with my father and Rose dead, and my sister tortured."

"Your sister saved his life because she heard his side of the story."

"My sister is also not in her right mind."

"You know, I've always wanted a brother as supportive as you."

Deep breaths, Lance. Don't cut off Mak's head, just take some deep, deep breaths.

"The whole point of the training was to get his anger out, Makatza," Nilsa tells her tightly.

"Don't look at me, you started the argument."

"And you're not helping."

"I'm bringing comedy, and comedy always helps."

"Not in this case it doesn't."

"Sure it does. Right, Lance." She puts her hand on my shoulder, and I slowly turn to face her. Her face instantly falls and she removes her hand. "I'm going to go talk to Clarice. She likes my jokes," she snides.

She stands and practically runs to my sister who's now stretching as well. I watch Mak plop down beside her and say something that has both Clarice and Darius laughing. It's been so long since I've seen her laugh, and just as long with Darius, though I've seen him this entire time. He smiles but it's always forced, but that laugh...maybe there's hope for the two of them in this world, but there sure isn't any in it for Will. He's dead meat.

"Gods and their Saints, you're unbelievable," Nilsa berates.

I turn back to her and her already scowling face. "What?"

"Your face was all peaceful and thoughtful, and then just like that-" she snaps her fingers "-you went back into murder mode."

"How can you even tell? I have my balaclava on."

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