"Reservation? Can I take a name please?" Andrew asked, producing a clipboard with a list of names on it.

"Oh sweetie, my name isn't on any list." She said giggling.

"Then I'm afraid Madam, I can't let you in." He said, gesturing towards the back of the queue.

"I think you may of misheard me Andy.. Can I call you Andy?" Pam didn't give him much time to respond. "Well Andy, the thing is-" Pam grabbed the man by the collar and pulled his lips to hers. It wasn't a passionate kiss, it was a necessary one.

Harley stood there with her mouth hanging open, not believing how much confidence Pam had.

Ivy pulled away and smiled sweetly. "Now about that reservation.." She said tweaking his suit.

Andy stepped aside and stuttered. "P-please come through." He opened the door for them.

Ivy grabbed Harley's hand and pulled her through the door. Once they where on the other side, Harley pulled Pam to into a corner.

"What th- How the fuck did you do that?" She asked.

"This little beauty." Pam pulled out a lipstick tube from her clutch bag.

"Can I have some? I've been bugging J to fix the wardrobe door ever since we broke it.. That lipstick would work a treat!"

"How did you brea-" Pam looked at Harley's face. "-Actually I don't wanna know."

Harley giggled. After a few moments the receptionist showed the two ladies to their seats. They where seated at a mahogany wooden table with a single rose placed in a small vase.

"Here you go Ladies, a waiter will be over shortly to take your orders. Enjoy your meal." The rather dapper looking man said, setting down two menus.

"Thank you." Harley said taking the menu and scanning it with her eyes.

"Excuse me." Pam said, grabbing the receptionist arm.

"Yes Ma'am?" He replied.

"Take this-this-" Pam gestured towards the rose. "-Just take it away, I don't appreciate a mangled rose corps staring at me while I eat. It's disgusting."

The man was petrified as her voice rose from a quiet request to a shouting demand. Harley touched Pam's arm lightly.

"Red, chill out. It's just a rose. He didn't know you would be offened."

"That ain't the point Hun! It's murder. Killing a flower in it's prime just to decorate a stupid fu-" Pam was cut off by Harley's hand covering her mouth.

"Sorry about my friend, she's just very sensitive. If you could be so kind as to remove the Rose, I'd be most grateful." Harley tried to defuse the tension.

The man picked up the vase and walked away without a word.

"Pam you need to learn to calm down, that was so embarrassing." Harley removed her hand.

"Sorry Harls but seriously? How is that appropriate? It's just as bad, if not worse, as displaying a rotting human head in the middle of the frickin' table! I mean honestly?" She argued.

"I understand, but can you just cool it? We're here to have a nice meal."

"Fine. Whatever, I'm over it." Pam snapped, sulking into her menu.

Moments later, a waiter came to the table and took their orders. There where no surprises when Harley ordered a mountain of food and Pam went for a light meal.

As they where tucking into their food, they begun talking about their upcoming ass kicking with Crane.

"So I've got half of the equipment, my training is coming along well. But the thing I'm concerned about is the actual plan... Y'know? How we gunna do this?" Harley asked, shovelling a huge piece of steak into her mouth.

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