Chapter 10

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"Hurry up!" J snapped, walking down the stairs. Once Harley had caught up, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her roughly towards the cellar door. They stood outside for a few moments. J unlocked the door with a huge rusty iron key that was hidden in his pocket.

Harley watched him slide it into the keyhole, and that's when she noticed tiny blood specks on the handle.

"Ladies first." He opened the door for Harley. His voice still hadn't changed, she wasn't sure what to expect now. He had countless of opportunities to kill her upstairs but why didn't he...

And now he was taking her to the cellar. Was this some kinda sick revenge? Who's blood was it? Then it clicked, everything fell into place. Hutch.

"No J, I-" She was cut off by his hand roughly shoving her through the doorway.

Joker followed her though, shutting the door immediately. J locked the door behind them. He grasped her wrist tightly and lead her down the stairs, the lighting was dim and she could barley make out the floor in front of her.

When they reached the bottom, Harley cast her eyes over to the corner of the room. There slumped on the floor was a black figure.

J pulled her forwards towards it. Harley gasped when her bare feet stepped into a warm, red, wet puddle on the concrete floor. The thick liquid clung to the balls of her feet and every step she took afterwards the blood imprinted.

Joker switched on the overhead light, blinding Harley for the second time that night. After her eyes had adjusted, she saw Hutch lying in the corner, slumped on his side, facing away from them. A line of blood came from his body to the puddle of blood that she had stepped in. Her stomach instantly twisted, vomit rose to the top of her throat. Before she had time to swallow, it rushed out of her mouth.

J stepped away from her and watched Harley chuck her guts up. He was pleased this revolted her, its the least she deserved.

"I thought you where made of sterner stuff Harls?"

Joker dragged a wooden chair from across the room and set it beside Harley, he grabbed her shoulders and shoved her down on the seat.

J walked around her a couple of times, he didn't say anyhting he just watched her, brushing his fingers over her shoulders and neck each time he passed.

Harley tried her hardest not to cry, she had to be strong because if she appeared weak, he may just kill her.

After walking around her for the sixth time, he stopped in front of her, he leant down and placed the revolver he was holding into her hand. he curled her fingers around the handle and let it sit in her lap.

"I wanted to do this myself, but since your so eager to express your apparent love for me, I thought... What better way to show your affections if you killed the man who wants to steal yours." He walked away from her and towards Hutch.

"Ya hear that Hutchy? Harley's come to join the party!" He cheered.

Joker's whole attitude had changed, his body language.. Everything. When he was alone with Harley in his office, he was angry for sure, but he was hurt. He didn't crack any jokes or make light of the situation. But now he was different, he had changed back into his normal, joking, psychopathic self. Acting as though it was only his pride that was damaged.

J grabbed Hutch roughly by the collar and dragged him upright, slamming his back against the wall. Hutch let at a low moan of pain, he couldn't even keep his head upright. After J had given him a light beating in his office, Joker got his other Henchmen to drag his body down to the cellar and ordered them to each deliver a harsh thrashing. And if they resisted.. They got shot. Crane's former men where more then happy to oblige, since they hadn't been working for him long they weren't as attached as the other guys.

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