"Are you going to tell me who it is, or do I have to guess?" Harley asked with an irritated tone.. Ever since she had agreed to do this Job with Ivy, she had noticed how reluctant Red was being in giving her information.

Harley was met with silence on the other end of the phone. She sighed.

"Look Pam, if we're gunna work together on this, then you need to tell me what's going on. It's like you don't trust me or somethin?"

"Oh Hun, I do trust you, it's just.. Well you don't have the best track record when it comes to keeping secrets, so the less you know the better." Pam said bluntly.

"I can't aruge with that... But I need to be kept in the loop. Don't hide things from me, I get enough of that with J."

Pam rolled her eyes at Harley pulling the pitty card. "Fine but if J finds out, the Job is off and I'll let Crane kill him."

"Cross my heart and hope to d-" Harley hesitated. Wrong choice of words. "Cross my heart."

"Do you know-"

"The muffin man?" Harley sang, laughing slightly.

"Harley! See? This is why I don't tell you stuff."

"Sorry Red, I couldn't resist." Harley admitted, still giggling.

"Are you gunna grow up so I can tell you?" Pam was not amused. Not in the slightest.

"Sorry Pam."

"Right, so my sources tell me a guy named Jonny Frost has been recruited by Crane and Oswald to take down the Joker and his Empire."

"Shit." Harley cursed, she knew how long J had been trying to recruit Frost.

"I'm guessing from your tone of voice you know him?" Pam asked.

"You could say that.. J has been trying to hire Jonny for years, I've only met him a couple of times, but he knows his shit and doesn't leave loose ends. He has a good rep for being the best hired brains and brawn in the business."

"So the Joker wanted to employ Jonny eh? We could use this to our advantage..." Pam pondered.

"How so?" Harley asked, sceptically.

"Well, he's a man, your a woman... And If he's hired by Crane to kill J, then he'll take any opportunity to ruin him."

"HELL NO!" Harley shouted. "You may be comfortable with sleeping with men to accomplish your goals, but I'm in a committed relationship with a man that I love."

"Who's that?" Pam asked sarcastically.

"The Joker!" Harley practically screamed down the phone.

"Oh sorry I thought you said man, not worm." She retorted.

"Fuck off Pam. If you hate him so much why are you helping me protect him."

"I have my reasons." Pam huffed under her breath. "Can we not fight? We need a united front if we're gunna get Crane. I don't want this to cost our friendship."

"If you keep your opinions about my boyfirend to yourself, then we won't have a problem will we?"

"Fine, I'll hold my tongue, but as long as you promise not to tell the Joker about Jonny, the last thing we need, is to throw you 'Boyfriend' into the mix." Calling the Joker by that title really made her skin crawl.

"Believe me Red, I don't want him in the mix either. Recipe for disaster."

"If it isn't already." Pam muttered.

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