"What's more important Harley? Your safety or the Joker's? If we find Crane then we can kill him properly this time, no resurrection for that fucker. We can end it, end the threat to J's life. You can protect him? Don't you want to protect the love of your life Harley? I sure as hell would."

Pam hated herself for saying that, but Harley had to become a villainess in her own right, and not just remain the Joker's out of work sidekick.

After a few moments, Harley turned to Pam. "Okay Red, I'm in."

"Good, we'll make plans later, but now lets get some food, I'm starving." She smiled.

"Okay." Harley murmured. This whole situation was just bloody typical, why couldn't things just be normal, just for once.

"Cheer up Charlie, it's not all bad... I get to witness those badass shooting skills I keep hearing about!" Ivy tried desperately to lighten her mood.

"Yeah... Yeah I am pretty sick with a firearm.." Harley half smiled, it grew more and more, imagining herself shooting Crane in his stupid face.

Pam laughed at her, but it was broken when Harley let out a loud gasp.

"What is it? What's wrong?" She asked in panic.

"I fucking love this song!" Harley beamed turning up the radio. Pam recognised the tune, 'No scrubs.' and they both simultaneously began singing.

The both looked at each other and began laughing as the song ended, they didn't miss a beat.

"J's a scrub." Pam suddenly said, still laughing.

Harley laughed harder. "If he ever hollered at you.. I'd kill him."

"I'd kill him first." She said.

"Touché." Harley fist bumped Pam.

"This is the most fun I've had in ages..." She sighed. "Apart from that one time when J fuc-"

"And there you go.. Ruining a perfectly nice moment. I knew it wouldn't last." Pam shook her head from side to side, smiling.

"Sorry Pam, but ain't we supposed to share these things? Being best friends and all that jazz?" Harley teased.

"Then we're not best friends." Ivy said deadpan.

"Oh. That hurt." Harley clutched her heart.

Pam chuckled and pulled into a diner, stopping the car in the small parking lot. They both climbed out of the car.

"Hey Red." Harley grabbed her arm. "Ain't people gunna recognise us?"

"Don't worry Harls, I know the owner.. There are more criminals in this place than there are at Arkham." She assured her.

"Ohhhhh...I see.." Harley winked slowly.

"C'mon lets get some greasy bacon and bad customer service." Pam threaded her arm through Harley's and led her to the doorway.

Joker was pacing his office, waiting for a very important phone call. After he'd had Hutch's body removed from the cellar, he overheard some of Crane's ex-henchmen talking amongst themselves. He didn't catch everything they said, but one of them said the words. 'Crane.' And. 'I'm not working for him again, the pay is shit.'

Which loosely suggested that something was going on in the underworld.

The phone suddenly rang, and Joker pounced over the desk to pick it up.

"Jerry, any news?" Jerry was still working at Arkham, he'd gone full-time since Harley's transformation.

"Boss, there's slight chatter amongst the inmates, but I don't have anything solid."

"What kind of chatter?" He asked, taking a seat in his chair.

"There's been rumors of movement in the underworld. Rumors that Crane might be back." Jerry winced when he spoke, holding the phone away from his ear, waiting for J's piercing voice to shout down the phone.

"WHAT!?" He shouted.

"Boss, it's just rumor..."

"This is a bullshit" J slammed his fist on the table. "How can he be alive? I killed him!" He growled. Then it suddenly dawned on him that he never actually checked for a pulse. Shit.

"Boss.. It's just hear say.." Jerry said.

"Your right..." He said trying to calm himself. "I want updates on your progress. Any information you have, let me know straight away."

"Okay boss... Well..The place is in lock down at the moment so-"

"And you assume that I give a shit? I don't care how you get this information, just get it."

"Sorry boss. I won't let you down."

"You'd better not, or you'll end up like our dearly departed Hutch." Joker snapped.

"Don't worry boss, I'll get the information."

"Good.. And keep this to yourself, we don't want to attract any unwanted attention." J straightened a photo of him and Harley that her kept on his desk. "And not, and I mean not, under any circumstances will Harley find out. Okay?"

"Understood." Jerry replied.

"Good man." Joker hung up the phone and rested his forehead in his hands.

This is the last thing he needed. Running two successful businesses, managing 50+ Henchmen, organising jobs for him and his boys to entertain the Bat on a weekly basis, plus being hunted down like a dog by the GCPD and trying desperately to fit in time for Harley, things where really taking it's toll on him. And now add Crane to the mix.. Defiantly not a good combination for the worlds most notorious psychopath to be dealing with.

Something had to give and it defiantly wasn't going to be Batman...

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