"I bet he did." She snapped.

"Will you shush!? I'm trying to explain!" Harley motioned her hand zipping her mouth shut.

"Okay, okay, not a word got it." Pam sniggered.

"Right so.. That evening he tried to kill me, and it was the most wonderful but scary experience of my whole life, I know you won't understand it, but it was incredible. He broke out and kidnapped me. J took me back to his place, he patched me up and looked after me. I mean of course I was furious and I wanted to escape as soon as I realised what had happened, but he never gave up on me, despite all the shit I gave him, day after day. He didn't give up on me."

Harley felt her eyes collecting unbroken tears. "We grew closer and finally he told me how much he wanted me, how much he needed me, but I wouldn't give it to him, because once I did, I knew there was no going back and I wasn't ready for that." She smiled remembering their first time. "But eventually I didn't care anymore, so I became his completely."

Pam fake gagged and they both laughed.

"Then all this shit happened with an ex-colleague of mine and then of course Jonathan Crane."

"Ah yes, I heard about that. And am I right in assuming that's when you became..." Pam gestured at the pale, blue and pink haired beauty in front of her. "Harlequin?"

"Yeah.." Harley sighed. "At first I hated him for it, but then he opened my eyes, made me see that it was the only way we could be together."

"You shouldn't have to change yourself for a man Harley, especially him." Pam retorted.

"I don't expect you to understand Red.. To explain our love is like trying to explain colour to a blind man."

"There's no reasoning with you is there? You honestly can't see that he's just using you? Using you for one big fucking joke." Ivy pleaded.

"Honestly Red, at first he just kept me around for a joke, the big joke of breaking the mind of a physiatrist, sending her into a spiral of madness, snapping her to insanity. But then he got to know me, we got to know each other, not just as villain and civilian, but as equals. We where two poeple who lost our path and at the end of it we found each other." Harley started welling up. "Besides he takes his jokes very seriously. And I'm his greatest one."

"And what happens when he wants a new joke, when the joke gets old?" Pam asked.

Harley opened her mouth up to reply, but soon shut it when she heard her phone ring in her pocket. "Hang on Red." She held a finger up in the air.

"If that's him, don't answer it!" Pam shouted.

Harley bit her lip, glancing at the words 'PUDDIN' flash across the phone screen along with a picture of him kissing her cheek. Harley looked back up at Pam, her face was turning as red as her hair.

"But what if it's an emergency?" Harley slowly brought her finger down to the screen.

"DON'T. ANSWER. IT." Ivy scolded.

"But- he might.. It might be import-" Harley was cut off by Pam tackling her to the sofa, she grabbed the phone from Harley's hand and held it in the air out of reach.

Pam looked at the photo and caller ID. "Puddin'? Seriously?"

"It's cute. Now give me back my damn phone!" Harley shouted, struggling to reach the phone.

"No, You need to learn to be independent Harl, besides you can call him back later."

"Give it!" Harley lunged at Pam, knocking the phone out of her hand and straight into the glass of water sitting on the table.

Suspension (JokerXHarleyQuinn)Where stories live. Discover now