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"jisung where were you last night?" chan asked. "you got home really late..everything okay?"

"oh yeah i was at minho's, we ended up falling asleep so i got out a bit later than usual" he answered. "have you seen my phone? i can't seem to find it"

"maybe you left it at minho's?" chan continued to type away on his laptop.

"mhm maybe.." he moved some of his books around to see if it was there. "chan could you give it a call? it's not here"

"sure sung" he pulled out his phone and rang jisung's number, "it's ringing"

"hello chan" replied a familiar voice.

"ah hi min, jisung's coming over to pick up his phone"

"alright, bye!" he ended the call.

"see it's at his now go get it you'll be late"


"did you leave your phone at my place just to see me again or did you genuinely forget it?" he smirked.

jisung let out a fake laugh, "very funny min, i genuinely forgot it as you literally kicked me out last night"

"yeah sorry about that hyunjin doesn't like it when things don't go according to routine" he shoved his hands into his pockets, "i'll walk you"

"what? are you sure?" jisung asked.

"yes, i've got around an hour until i have to be at the studio so yeah.." he smiled.

they walked in silence, neither of them said anything. when the two weren't hooking up they didn't have much to talk about, even though they knew practically everything about each other. which is why they didn't see each other apart from the days they slept together.

"so..this is awkward" minho laughed.

"yeah..we barely do this" jisung fixed his hair, "i mean whenever i see you we're either having sex or it's because you come over to see chan.."

"i mean after what happened i think it's best if it stays that way.." jisung noticed that minho's tone had changed completely.

"maybe we should forget about that though..you know it's been years sinc-"

he was cut off by minho, "no, it's better this way."

"yeah you're right..um i'll see you like next week or something, bye min" he hurried off inside the university.


sung: sorry for bringing that up earlier

min: oh don't worry jisungie, it's okay
min: make it up to me next week by dropping by a bit earlier;)

sung: ofc ;)

he sighed and turned off his phone, he felt bad for reminding minho of his mistake again, really bad, but he knew minho would easily forgive him, he always did.


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